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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

5Glance at the Bund1933

7Gaoqiao beach19301930-1939

33Garden Bridge and Broadway Mansions19341934-1939

34Garden bridge, Broadway Mansions and Russian Consulate19341934-1939

59Great World Amusement Center after bombingAugust 1937

76Great World19311931-1937

167Grand Stand at the racecourse18601860-1889

212Georgia Apartments19301930-1939

315German Printing and Publishing House building18801880-1899 - 1900-1910

317Garage and gas station19201920-1939

340General store 'Xie da chang'19401940-1949

427German style house19201920-1939

428German style house19201920-1939

435German style houses19201920-1939

441German style house19201920-1939

446Golf course19201920-1939

458Grosvenor Gardens19311931-1939

522Group photo of French police staff and officers19301930-1939

540Group photo of European police officers of the Central police station19301930-1939

541Group photo of the European police officers of the Joffre police station

542Group photo of the Tonkinese guards [French colonial army]19301930-1940

543Group photo of the European staff of the Mallet police station19361936-1939

544Group photo of the Chinese staff of Police brigade 'C'19301930-1940

545Group photo of the music band of the French police19301930-1940

547Group photo of the officers and staff of the armoury department of the French police19301930-1940

548Group photo of the Russian Auxiliary Police in the French Concession19301930-1940

549Group photo a section of the Russian Auxiliary Police in the French Concession19301930-1940

550Group photo a section of the Russian auxiliaries in the French Police19301930-1940

551Group photo of the crime squad of the French police19301930-1940

552Group photo of the Intelligence squad of the French police19301930-1940

553Group photo of the political branch of the French police19301930-1940

554Group photo of the Tonkinese guards [French colonial army]19301930-1940

555Group photo of the Tonkinese guards [French colonial army]19301930-1940

556Group photo of the Chinese police officers of Brigade 'B' [French police]'19301930-1940

557Group photo of the European staff of the East police station

559Group photo of the chief and staff of the General Services Department19301930-1940

560Group photo of the Automobile Department19301930-1940

561Group photo of a section of the Russian auxiliaries in the French Police19301930-1940

562Group photo of the Prosecution and Translation Department19301930-1940

563Group photo of the Identification Department19301930-1940

564Group photo of the Tonkinese guards19301930-1940

565Group photo of the Tonkinese guards19301930-1940

566Group photo of the Tonkinese guards (first section)19301930-1940

567Group photo of the Chinese staff of Brigade 'B' '19301930-1940

568Group photo of the Chinese staff of Brigade 'A' '19301930-1940

569Group photo of the Tonkinese guards19301930-1940

570Group photo of the European staff of the Petain police station19301930-1939

571Group photo of the Chinese staff of Brigade 'C' of the French police'19301930-1940

572Group photo of the European staff of the Foch police station19301930-1940

574Group photo of BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine) officers19301930-1940

575Group photo of the BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine) third Company19301930-1940

576Group photo of the mortar and grenadier company (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

577Group photo of the armored tank company (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

578Group photo of the sappers, tailors, cobblers, and equipment staff of the BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine).19301930-1940

579Group photo of the cooks of the BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

580Group photo of the fourth Company19301930-1940

581Group photo of the signals corps (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

586Group photo of the machine gun Company (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

587Group photo of the music band (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940

588Group photo of the armourers (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine)19301930-1940
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