This section is divided into four parts that relate each specific metadata fields in the documents available on the platform. We shall briefly introduce them below.
The objective of this part is to provide an extensive bibliography of academic works as well as sources on Shanghai. The elaboration of this bibliography initially relied on the references entered by the participants to the project. It has been growing along with the development of the project, while an extensive search has been made in various sources and databases to add references in European languages (latin script), Chinese, and Japanese. The bibliography is organized into two parts. The first one -- "Bibliography" -- lists all the records in the database. It can be searched by various criteria (name, title, etc.) or across all fields. For multi-word searches, separate words with a semicolon (;). The second part is a list of more specialized "Thematic Bibliographies" for those interested in specific topics. We welcome contributions who point to references that are missing in our database. Please contact us if you wish to recommend a bibliographical reference (contact:
Whenever a contributor mentions the name of a person in the documents of the “Virtual Shanghai” platform, a biographical fiche is created to provide more or less elaborate biographical data. The degree of elaboration depends on the material available and on the importance accorded to a given figure. Searches can be made on names, but also on any word mentioned in the biographical data. The same rules as for “Bibliography” apply here.
This parts lists the publishers of non textual documents such as maps, audio records, visual documents. It is meant as an aid to the contributors to the project. All documents related to a given publisher are compiled automatically and listed in the relevant publisher record.
This part provides information on all the institutions, including private persons, that own or host documents related to the history of Shanghai. These institutions are mentioned only when such documents are present on the “Virtual Shanghai” platform. Private persons or collections are identified only with the express authorization of those concerned. The information provided include the name, the type, the web site (whenever available), and a short description.
Last update on Thursday 26 January 2012 (09:07) by C. Henriot
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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