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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Streets of Shanghai. A history in itself1941Gordon, A. H.
1927-1937 nian de Shanghai : shi zheng quan, di fang xing he xian dai hua 1927-1937 年的上海 : 市政权, 地方性和现代化2004Henriot, Christian 安克强 An Keqiang
Shanghai lao gong tong ji (1930-1937) 上海劳工统计 (Labour statistics in Shanghai)1938Guo ji lao gong ju zhong guo fen ju 国际劳工局中国分局编 (International Labor Office, China Branch)
De Pékin à Shanghaï, souvenirs de voyages1871Buissonnet, Eugène
Shanghai Land Regulations
List of industrial concerns in the Settlement together with an appendix showing factories on extra-settlement roads and containing statistics of normal complements of workers (classified according to police districts)1939Shanghai Municipal Police, Special BranchThis document is a survey of all 'industrial concerns' in the International Settlement of Shanghai in August 1939. Altogether, it represents 1,696 firms listed by police district and street name and number. The survey includes the following items: name (in English and Chinese), address, nationality, and number of workers. This data were processed through an Excel file, with all necessary corrections. We were able to locate xxxx factories (%) which served as the basis for cartographic work. All statistical work was based on the whole sample.
First & Second Supplement to the Shanghai Municipal Council Register of Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Veterinary Surgeons, 1940 1940Shanghai Municipal Council - Public Health DepartmentThis document lists a total of 134 physicians registered by the Public Health Department of the Shanghai Municipal Council in 1940. It does not seem to be an exhuastive list. It appears to be a supplementary survey to the main register (yet to be found).  The survey provides the following information: name (English and Chinese), address (both languages), degree, degree university (both languages), year of degree.
General description of Shanghae and its environs extracted from native authorities1850Walter Henry Medhurst (attributed)
City Guides, and descriptions of Tientsin, Shanghai, Peking, Hangschow, Tsinan, Hongkong, Tsingtao, Canton, Nanking1924
Shanghai shi di jia yan jiu 上海市地价研究1935Zhang, Hui 张辉
Shanghai Tong Shi 上海通史 - Dao Lun 导论1999Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之
Shanghai zhi qian zhuang 上海之钱庄1929Li, Quanshi 李权实
Tong ji biao zhong zhi Shanghai 统计表中之上海1932Luo, Zhiru 罗志如
Shanghai tu shu guan guan cang zhong wen bao zhi mu lu 上海图书馆馆藏中文报纸目录1982Shanghai tu shu guan 上海图书馆
Gu dao jian wen 孤岛见闻1939Tao, Juyin 陶菊隐
Shanghai te bie shi shi zheng tong ji gai yao zhonghua min guo shi liu nian du 上海特别市市政统计概要中华民国十六年度1927
Jiu Shanghai de bang hui 舊上海的幫會1986Shanghai wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 上海文史資料委員會
Shanghai dui wai mao yi 1840-1949 上海对外贸易(1840-1949)1989Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan jing ji yan jiu suo 上海社会科学院经济研究所
Shanghai xian hua 上海闲话1989Yao, Gonghe 姚公鹤
Hu you za ji 沪游杂记1989Ge, Yuanxu 葛元煦
Ying ruan za zhi 瀛壖杂志1989Wang, Tao 王韬
Shanghai gong gong zu jie shi gao 上海公共租界史稿1980Kuai, Shixun 蒯世勋
Jin dai Shanghai di qu jing ji shi liao xuan ji 近代上海地区经济史料选辑(1840-1949)1984Huang, Wei 黄苇; Xia, Lingen 夏林根
Shanghai chan ye yu Shanghai zhi gong 上海产业与上海职工1984Zhu, Bangxing 朱邦兴; Hu, Linge 胡林阁; Xu, Sheng 徐声
Shanghai zu jie lue shi 上海租界略史1931Zhang, Qunshu 张群署
Shanghai shi ren zhi 上海時人志1947Ru, Xin 茹新
Shanghai 上海1932Wei, Xiyu 韋息予
Etablissement d'une distribution d'eau - Programme et cahier des charges pour la fourniture des machines élévatoires et pompes1903J.-J. Chollot, Ingénieur de la Concession française
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南 (Guide to Shanghai)1980
Shanghai Shi 上海史1988Tang, Zhenchang 唐振常
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1923Cormack, J.G.
Everyday customs in China1935Cormack, J.G.
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1927Cormack, J.G.
The household accounts of two Chinese families1931Gamble Sidney D.
Shanghai shi di li yan ge 上海市地理沿革1989Zhu, Peng 祝鹏
Jin dai shanghai jian zhu shi gao 上海近代建筑史稿1988Chen, Chongzhou 陈重周 Zhang, Ming 章明
Histoire de la Mission du Kiang-nan Tome I - Jusqu'à l'établissement d'un vicaire apostolique jésuite (1840-1856)1914De la Servière, J.
Histoire de la Mission du Kiang-nan Tome II - Mgr Borgniet (1856-1862) Mgr Languillat (1864-1878)1914De la Servière, J.
The Burlingame Mission: A political disclosure1872Von Gumpach, Johannes
A guide to Catholic Shanghai1937
Sketches in and around Shanghai1894Clark, J. D.
Les origines de deux établissements français dans l'Extrême-Orient Chang-hai - Ning-po1896Cordier, Henri
Histoire de la Concession française de Shanghai1899Fauvel, A.-A.
Dian shi zhai hua bao quan ji 點石齋畫報全集1910
Ein Tagebuch in Bildern1902Mumm, Alfons; Schwarzenstein, Freiherr von
Quan zheng yi zhen 券证遗珍 /2007Chen, Cai 陈采
Histoire de la concession française de Changhai1929Maybon, Charles B; Fredet, Jean
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1854-63 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1864-66 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1867-69 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1870-71 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1872-73 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1874-76 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1877-82 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1883-86 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1887-89 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1890-92 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1893-94 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1895-96 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
Gong bu ju hui yi ji lu 工部局会议记录 - 1897-98 (Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council)2001Shanghai Municipal Council 公部局
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