Team and partners
Project director
- Christian Henriot (Institut de Recherches Asiatiques, Aix-Marseille University; Institut Universitaire de France, 1994-1999, 2007-2012)
Web platform design & management
- Gérald Foliot: GIS System Administrator & Web Programming (Huma-Num)
Permanent research Group
- Christine Cornet 柯蓉: History of modern China (IAO)
- Christian Henriot 安克強: History of modern China (IAO)
- Jiang Jin 江进: History of modern China (East China Normal University)
- Ma Jun 马军: History of modern China (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)
- Mou Zhenyu 牟振宇: Historical geography, (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)
- Jiang Jie 蒋杰: History of modern China, Post-doctoral fellow (Shanghai Normal University)
- Zhang Peiyao: GIS & historical GIS, Post-doctoral fellow (IAO)
Contributors (past)
- Dorothée Rihal: History of modern China (IAO, Postdoc fellow, 2007-08; Source analyst, 2009-2012)
- Yeh Wen-hsin: History of modern China (Center for Chinese Studies)
- Zheng Zu'an: History of modern China (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences), 2006-2008
- Christine Ho: Research Assistant (Stanford University), Oct. 2006-June 2007
- Hongyou Lu: Research Assistant (Stanford University), Oct. 2006-June 2007
- Matthew Woodbury, Undergraduate Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Oct. 2006-June 2007
- Aglaia de Angeli: Ph.D. candidate (IAO), 2004-2005
- Chizuru Namba: Ph.D. candidate (IAO), 2004-2005
- Eric Politzer, Independent researcher, New York
Technical Group
Main development
- Estelle Senna, : GIS Specialist (IAO) (Jan. 2014-now)
- Charlotte Aubrun: GIS Specialist (IAO) (Feb. 2014-Août 2017)
- Nicolas El-Sayegh, Web developer (IAO) (April-Septembre 2015)
- Francesco Bisantis: GIS intern, Montpellier University (February-July 2015)
- Corentin Le Cabec: GIS intern, Le Caen University (April-September 2015)
- Isabelle Durand: GIS Specialist (Feb. 2008-Nov. 2013)
- Nicolas El-Sayegh, Web developer (Sept. 2012-Feb. 2013)
- Tan Junmin (譚俊敏): GIS intern, Strasbourg University (March-April 2012)
- Caroline Tabacchi: GIS Intern, Nancy 2 University (Apr.-July. 2010)
- Isabelle Durand: GIS Intern (Mar.-Sept. 2007)
- Cyrielle Castelli: GIS Specialist (Nov. 2006-Dec. 2007)
- Nicolas Bozon: GIS Specialist (May-Oct. 2006)
- Martial Tola: Image Viewer [2004- 2005]
- Raphaël Tournoy: Ajax integration [2004-2005]
- Benoît Maréchal: GIS Specialist [Sept. 2003- Mar. 2006]
Web graphic design
Caroline Tabacchi (2010)
War made Shanghai Team
Team managers
- Ma Jun 马军: History of modern China (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)
- Christian Henriot (Institut d'Asie Orientale, University of Lyon)
Team members
- Christine Cornet: History of modern China (IAO)
- Duan Lian 段炼: History of modern China (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) (March 2013-now)
- Jiang Wenjun 江文军: History of modern China (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) (March 2013-now)
- Mou Zhenyu 牟振宇: Historical geography, (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) (Sept. 2011-now)
- Shi Lu 石路: Demography and sociology of contemporary China (IAO) (March 2013-now)
- Jiang Jie 蒋杰: History of modern China, Ph.D. candidate (East China Normal University - IAO)
- Lu Ye 陆烨: History of modern China, Ph.D. candidate (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) (March 2013-now)
- Xu Chong 徐翀: History of modern China, Ph.D. candidate (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris) (March 2013-now)
- Yue Qintao 岳钦韬: History of modern China, Postdoctoral fellow (Shanghai Normal University) (March 2013-now)
Team manager
- Bernadette Laurencin, Architecte –– chercheur IPRAUS, maître-assistant associé à l’ENSA PB
- GAO Jie
- GAO Jing
- Sabine GUTH
- LIU Yang
- Sophie NAUD
- TANG Ming
- TIAN Darui
- Isabelle TURCK
- SUN Ting
- YANG Xuan
- ZHANG Renren
Agence Nationale de la Recherche: SUST Project (2005-2008)
Région Rhône-Alpes: Cible (2010) - Coopera (2010, 2012)
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation: "Cities in turmoil" (2010-2012)
Agence Nationale de la Recherche: WARS Project (2013-2016)
Région Rhône-Alpes: Coopera (2014-2016): “Spaces of leisure : From newspapers advertisements to « lived » and « perceived » space
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation: "Cadastres, land management and urban change in Shanghai" (2014-2017)
Last update on Tuesday 10 October 2017 (12:56) by C. Henriot
© 2003-2021 IrAsia - Projet Director: Pr. Christian Henriot
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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