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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

5Glance at the Bund1933

11Warships on the Huangpu19341934-1939

17Five warships of European navies on the Huangpu19301930-1939

18Aircraft carrier19301930-1939

35Jiaotong University 交通大學19301930-1939

52Chinese army in Zikawei road1937

55Blockhouse at corner of rue Montigny and Ave Edward VIIAugust 1937

57Refugees flooding into the French Concession1937

58Refugee camp1937

59Great World Amusement Center after bombingAugust 1937

76Great World19311931-1937

153Official ceremony at the Cenotaph, World War I Memorial on the Bund19241924-1937

187Military parade19301930-1939

200British military parade along the Bund18701870-1899

211The Bund during the Japanese occupation19371937-1939

213Military parade in front of Mallet police station1938

238Defense blockhaus19301930-1939

239At the guardroom19301930-1939

260Communist troops' parade1949

290The Town Hall of the Special Municipality of Shanghai1937

291Town hall interior1937

314British soldiers on the Bund19371937-1939

336After a bombing in Zhabei19301930-1939

337The Jiangwan Racecourse after bombing1937

338Shanghai National School for Trade and Industry19301930-1939

339After a bombing in Zhabei19301930-1939

342Shanghai North Railway Station19301930-1939

343View of bombed buildings in the Eastern district of the International Settlement1937

344The Railway Bureau on Boundary Road in Zhabei after bombing1937

345The Railway Bureau on Boundary Road after bombing in Zhabei1937

346After a bombing19301930-1939

347After a bombing19301930-1939

348Japanese Special Marine Corps Headquarters19301930-1949

349The Railway Bureau on Boundary Road after fighting1937

350After a bombing19301930-1939

358Chinese institutional building19301930-1939

359Inside the Great World1929

360The Great World (Da Shijie)19171917-1924

473The old Russell & Co. hong18701870-1889

480After a bombing19301930-1939

481After a bombing19301930-1939

515Portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel Perretier19301930-1940

524Portrait of A. Fabre19301930-1940

525Portrait of Captain Giraudeau19301930-1940

526Portrait of Captain Gréa19301930-1940

527Portrait of Lieutenant Pichole19301930-1940

528Portrait of Colonel Jacomy19371937-1939

529Portrait of Lieutenant Gayraud19301930-1940

530Portrait of medical officer Lieutenant Barthère19301930-1940

531Portrait of Lieutenant Michat19301930-1940

532Portrait of captain Marty19301930-1940

533Portrait of Captain Franck Kolher19301930-1940

534Portrait of captain Sizaire19301930-1940

535Portrait of Lieutenant Moronval19301930-1940

536Portrait of Lieutenant Goer de Herve19301930-1940

537Portrait of sub-lieutenant Toubhans19301930-1940

538Portrait of Indochinese Lieutenant Pham Van Cam19301930-1940

573Japanese Officers and soldiers on Hongqiao Road - 9 November 1937Tuesday 9 November 1937

574Group photo of BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine) officers19301930-1940

575Group photo of the BMICC (Bataillon Mixte d'Infanterie Coloniale de Chine) third Company19301930-1940
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