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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 


34959Tuesday 29 March 1932

34677 Japanese theater in Hongkou 东和剧场1927-1945

34676 Japanese theater in Hongkou 东和活动写真馆1912-1937

21544"Patrol" houseboat and rowing boat19201920-1927

21536"Patrol", an SMP houseboat 19201920-1927

22486'Arrow', an Asiatic Petroleum Company houseboat1920c.1920/30

16102'Atreus' at Holts Wharf in Shanghai1911

20900'Hazelwood' and garden, Shanghai, 1938April 1938

20639'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20641'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20642'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20643'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20644'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20645'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20646'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20647'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20648'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

20649'Henli Regatta', Shanghai, 19201920

29133'Ichang' paddle steamer and the Bund, Shanghai1890-1893

24404'Ironsides', a champion race horse, c.190519051905

20354'Kiang Hsin'(?), after an accident, Shanghai19111911-1912

19612'Kintang' (金堂) on the Huangpu river, Shanghai19201920-1929

31335'Kitty' Kyte, Shanghai Municipal Police1929-1930

31326'My Dear Cigarette' tobacco shop and a restaurant, Shanghaic.1930

29126'Pekin' paddle steamer, Huangpu River, Shanghai1890-1893

19798'Shengking' (盛京) in Shanghai19331933-1934

19797'Shengking' (盛京) near Shanghai19331933-1934

26134'Windy Corner', Shanghai1932

26133'Windy Corner', Shanghai, c.19321932

20353'Yohyang Maru', after an accident, Shanghai19111911-1912

2334135th Baluchis19021902

2183A beggar in the street1937

27638A bloodied victim of the bombing of the Sincere Department StoreMonday 23 August 1937

22595A boat race19001900-1910

19503A body among weapons, Shanghai, March 1927Tuesday 22 March 1927

15286A Body Collector of the Tongren Fuyuantang1947

23982A Bull Nose Morris Cowley, near Shanghai.19201920-1929

34792A busy intersection in Shanghai

810A car show at the Racecourse19201920-1939

21734A child19201920-1929

2138A child beggar sorts out cigarette stubs19151915-1935

21608A child on a man's shoulders, with a dog19001900-1927

35095A Chinese dealer of fresh fruits close to the Race Course
33139A Chinese family portrait1865-1890

25628A Chinese wedding1900-1911

25063A clogged canal in one of Shanghai's industrial districts1935

34510A coffin repository turned into living quarters by refugees1948

27915A concept map of Man's fate (A. Malraux)December 2008

27916A concept map of Shanghai (Yokomitsu)

33058A coolie and his wheelbarrow

2393A coolie drinks for free19201920-1935

25640A corner of Shanghai outside the city wall1900-1911

19326A corpse in the street, Mixed Court Riot, Shanghai, 1905Monday 18 December 1905

22847A corpse, Mixed Court Riot, Shanghai, 1905Monday 18 December 1905

21705A crane19201920-1929

2250A crowd of refugees19201920-1945

1398A crowded creek19201920-1939

34179A Curtiss Hawk III under repair1937

19281A defendant kneeling in a mixed court room, Shanghai19001900-1910
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