3 documents
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Title | Date | Author |
1937年8月:戰爭與平民的集體死亡 (1937 nian 8 yue: zhanzheng yu pingmin de jiti siwang) | July 2015 | Christian Henriot (安克強) - 汪怡君譯 |
August 1937: War and the death en masse of civilians | July 2015 | Christian Henriot |
Shanghai industries in the Civil War period (1945-1947) | 9 January 2014 | Christian Henriot |
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Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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