ID   | Title   | Year   | Type   | Author(s)   | Language   | Keywords   |
1778 | 高郎桥:1914-1949年沪东一个棉纺织工人生活区的形成 ((Gaolang Qiao: Formation of a Cotton Mill Workers' Residence Zone in Eastern Shanghai from 1914 to 1949) - Part 2 | 2006 | Journal article | Luo, Suwen 罗苏文 | Chinese | social; economy; space; urban |
2237 | 近代上海的棚户区与国民政府的治理能力 | 2009 | Journal article | Cai, Liang 蔡 亮 | Chinese | social; urban; architecture |
2244 | 近代上海公共租界工部局的水费监管及特征分析 | 2009 | Journal article | WU, Junfan 吴俊范 | Chinese | economic; social; foreigner |
1769 | 论晚清上海作为全国外贸中心的影响力(1864-1904)——以外贸埠际转运为视角 (The Influence of Shanghai as the Foreign Trade Center in Late Qing Period(1864—1904)——The Transit Trade between Shanghai and Internal Ports for Foreign Trade) | 2008 | Journal article | Tang Qiaotian 唐巧天; | Chinese | economic; foreigner |
1784 | 论上海“孤岛”与大后方的贸易 (The Trade between Shanghai "Isolated Island" and the Rear Area) | 2005 | Journal article | ZHANG Saiqun 张赛群 | Unknown | xxx |
1780 | 略论小刀会起义后上海租界的崛起 (A Brief Analysis of the Sudden Rise of Shanghai Leased Territory after the Small Sword Society Uprising) | 2005 | Journal article | ZHANG Yin-jie 章银杰 | Unknown | xxx |
1777 | 略论上海租界的城市化效应 (A Brief Analysis of Urbanism Effect of Concessions in Shanghai) | 2006 | Journal article | ZHANG Yinjie 章银杰; ; JIN Xuemei 金雪妹 | Unknown | xxx |
2246 | 清末民初上海市民的社会生活及社会观念变迁——兼谈大众文化的研究 | 2001 | Dissertation | Bai, Lingling 白玲玲 | Chinese | culture; social; urban; pdf |
1774 | 清末民初上海公共租界会审公廨法权之变迁(1911~1912) (The Transformation of the Legal Rights in the Shanghai Mixed Court of International Settlement from 1911 to 1912) | 2006 | Journal article | Hu zhen 胡震 | Unknown | xxx |
1773 | 清末上海剧场演变的轨迹 (Evolution of Theaters in Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty) | 2006 | Journal article | QIAN Jiu-yuan 钱久元 | Unknown | |
1771 | 民国时期的民营报业——以上海《新闻报》为中心的考察 (The Nongovernmental Newspaper Business in the Former Republic of China ——A Research About the News Daily in Shanghai) | 2006 | Journal article | LI Ya-feng 李亚峰 | Chinese | |
1785 | 民国时期上海商标诉讼案透视 (Insight into litigation cases of trademark in Shanghai in the Period of the Republic of China) | 2005 | Journal article | Feng Qiu-ji 冯秋季 | Chinese | economic; social; legal; justice |
1779 | 晚清上海女伶 (Shanghai Actresses in the Late Qing Dynasty) | 2005 | Journal article | XU Jianxiong 徐剑雄 | Unknown | xxx |
1781 | 开放与调适:上海开埠初期混杂型社会形成 (Opening and Adjustment: Formation of a Mixed Society at the Early Stage of Shanghai Port-Opening) | 2005 | Journal article | Xiong Yuezhi 熊月之 | Unknown | xxx |
1772 | 对上海工人第一次武装起义失败责任的再讨论 (Re-discussing about the First Armed Insurrection Failure Responsibility of Shanghai Workers) | 2006 | Journal article | ZHOU Li-sheng 周利生 ; XIAO Hua-ping 肖华平 | Chinese | xxx |
1782 | 光复会和上海光复 (The Restoration League and the Restoration of Shanghai) | 2005 | Journal article | Tang Zhijun 汤志钧 | Unknown | xxx |
1770 | 从《申报》看晚清上海人的娱乐生活及其特征(1872—1911) (Analysing the Amusements And their Characters of Shanghai People in the Late Times of Qing Dynasty from Shen Bao(1872-1911)) | 2006 | Journal article | HUANG Yi-jun 黄益军 & WEI Xiang-dong 魏向东 | Chinese | xxx |
2239 | 上海总商会在华盛顿会议前后收复国权的主张和活动 | 2009 | Journal article | Xu, Guanting 许冠亭 | Chinese | |
1821 | 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide) | 1947 | Book | | Chinese | maps; economy |
1820 | 上海市影像地图集 Shanghai shi yingxiang dituji (Atlas of aerial views of Shanghai) | 2001 | Book | | Chinese | maps; photographs; urban |
57 | 上海妓女:19~20世纪中国的卖淫业与性 (Chinese translation of Prostitution in Shanghai) | 2004 | Book | Henriot, Christian | Chinese | city; urban; space; women; sex; prostitution; brothel; elites; power |
1783 | 上海与抗日战争 (Shanghai and the Anti - Japanese War) | 2005 | Journal article | Su Zhiliang 苏智良 ; Jiang Wenjun 江文君 | Chinese | war; urban |
2236 | 上海与天津清末地方自治的比较——从城市管理机构建立角度 | 2009 | Journal article | Zhang, Limin 张利民 | Chinese | political; urban |
1775 | 《海上花列传》青楼世界的都市文化特征 (Metropolitan Culture Characters in the Whorehouse World of Flowers in Shanghai) | 2006 | Journal article | Fan Yu–mei 樊玉梅 ; LIU Shang–sheng 刘上生 | Chinese | social; prostitution; culture; literature |
2238 | 《五车韵府》的重版与十九世纪中后期上海的英语出版业 | 2009 | Journal article | Si, Jia 司 佳 | Chinese | cultural; foreigner |
492 | ”City Transformation: A Study of City Form and City Life in China” | 1987 | Dissertation | Pai, Chin | English | architecture; space; building |
222 | “權力與道德: 1920-1925年上海的廢娼運動” (Morality and prostitution: The Protestant campaign against prostitution in Shanghai, 1920-1925 ), | 2000 | Journal article | Henriot, Christian 安克强 | Chinese | women; social; prostitution; elites |
225 | “公共衛生政策與殖民主義放任政策的對立 – 上海租界的性病與賣淫” (trans. of ‘Public Health Policy vs. Colonial Laissez-faire’) | 2003 | Book chapter | Henriot, Christian | Chinese | women; social; prostitution; state; power |
219 | “上海的‘小東京’: 一個對外隔絕的社會 (1875-1945年)” (trans. of Shanghai's ‘Little Tokyo’: An Insulated Community (1875-1945)”, | 1999 | Journal article | Henriot, Christian 安克强 | Chinese | social; foreigners |
450 | “‘In My Heart I Opposed Opium’: Opium and the Politics of the Wang Jingwei Government, 1940-45” | 2003 | Journal article | Martin, Brian G. | English | political; war; crime |
562 | “‘Home Afar’: the Life of Central European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai During World War II” | 2004 | Journal article | Vamos, Peter | English | foreigners; war |
196 | “Zionism in Shanghai, 1903-1949”, | 1993 | Journal article | Guang, Pan | English | political; foreigners; jews |
589 | “Zhongxi yi jiehe yu wenyi de diyici dui jue” [The first contest between Sino-Western medicine and epidemic disease] | 2003 | Journal article | Wang, Zhenrui | Chinese | health |
552 | “Zhongguo zheng xin suo jiqi geren zheng xin shiye kaocha (1932-1949)” [The China Bankers Cooperative Credit Service and personal credit service, 1932-49] | 2004 | Journal article | Sun, Jianguo | Chinese | economy; bank; finance |
433 | “Zhanhou shanghai zhengjuan jiaoyisuo shulun” [The Shanghai Stock Exchange in the postwar period] | 2002 | Journal article | Peng, Houwen | Chinese | economy |
578 | “Zhanhou shanghai meiguo dianying shichang yanjiu” [A study of the market for American films in Shanghai after World War II] | 2001 | Journal article | Wang, Chaoguang | Chinese | culture; foreigners |
634 | “Zai hua yingren jian de wenhua chongtu: shanghai "yundong jia" duikang "niaolei tuhai," 1890-1920” [Cultural conflicts in the British community in China: Shanghai "sportsmen" versus the "bird slaughterers," 1890-1920] | 2000 | Journal article | Zhang, Ning Jennifer | Chinese | foreigners |
626 | “Yibaliuer nian riben qianwan wan fang hu wushi bi xia de zhongguo shishen kaocha” [Japanese samurais' records on the Chinese gentry during a visit to Shanghai on the Chitosei Maru in 1862] | 2004 | Journal article | Yi, Huili | Chinese | foreigners; economy |
421 | “Yi Shanghai weili kan wanqing shiqi shehui shenghuo fangshi ji guannian de bianqian” [Changes in Lifestyle and Ideas in the Late Qing Era in Shanghai] | 2004 | Journal article | Li, Changli | Chinese | social; culture |
607 | “Xiandaihua jincheng zhong de shehui bianyuanhua xianxiang: toushi 20 shiji 20-30 niandai shanghai banghui” “[Social marginalization phenomena in the modernization process: the Shanghai secret society in the 1920's-30's] | 2002 | Journal article | Xin, Ping | Chinese | social |
647 | “Wuxu zhi xinhai difang zizhi de fazhan - hunan baoweiju yu shanghai gongchengju zhi bijiao” [Development of local government from 1898 to 1911: the Hunan Security Bureau and the Shanghai Engineering Bureau] | 1999 | Journal article | Zhu, Ying | Chinese | political |
528 | “Wu Changshi and the Shanghai art world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries” | 2000 | Dissertation | Shen, Kuiyi | English | culture |
250 | “Written in the ruins: War and domesticity in Shanghai literature of the 1940s”, | 1988 | Dissertation | Huang, Xincun | English | literature; war; culture |
538 | “Workers, the Intelligentsia and Marxist Parties: St. Petersburg, 1895-1917 and Shanghai, 1921-1927” | 1996 | Journal article | Smith, Steve A. | English | political; labor |
537 | “Workers and Supervisors: St. Petersburg 1905-1917 and Shanghai 1895-1927” | 1993 | Journal article | Smith, S. A. | English | political; labor; social |
260 | “Women and public culture: Poetics and politics of women's Yue opera in Republican Shanghai, 1930s-1940s” | 1998 | Dissertation | Jiang, Jin | English | culture; women; social |
622 | “Where Is the Center of Cultural Production? The Rise of the Actor to National Stardom and the Beijing/Shanghai Challenge (1860s-1910s)” | 2004 | Journal article | Yeh, Catherine Vance | English | culture |
633 | “Wenhua zhongxin de yu 30 niandai wenxue de dushi shengcun kongjian” [Cultural center and metropolitan space in literature of the 1930's] | 2000 | Journal article | Zhang, Linjie | Chinese | culture |
608 | “Wan qing shanghai siyuan gongyong yu gonggong huodong kongjian de tozhan” 晚清上海私園公用與公共活動空間的拓展 | 2000 | Book chapter | Xiong Yuezhi | Chinese | |
351 | “Visual Evidence for the Evolution of "Politically Correct" Dress for Women in Early Twentieth Century Shanghai” | 2003 | Journal article | Laing, Ellen Johnston | English | social; visual; women; gender |
2089 | “Vertical Integration, Business Diversification, and Firm Architecture: The Case of the China Egg Produce Company in Shanghai, 1923-1950” | 2005 | Journal article | Chang, Ning | English | economic |
541 | “Urban Politics in An Age of "Secret Societies": the Cases of Shanghai and Chengdu” | 1996 | Journal article | Stapleton, Kristin | English | social |
553 | “Urban landscape and cultural imagination: Literature, film, and visuality in semi-colonial Shanghai, 1927-1937” | 1999 | Dissertation | Sun, Shao-yi | English | culture; urban |
474 | “Urban History in Late Imperial China” | 1995 | Journal article | Mote, F. W. | English | region; space; urban |
453 | “Tu Yueh-Sheng and Labour Control in Shanghai: the Case of the French Tramways Union, 1928-32” | 1985 | Journal article | Martin, Brian G. | English | crime; labor; political; social |
247 | “Traveling opera troupes in Shanghai, 1842-1949”, | 1997 | Dissertation | Huang, Chun-zen | English | culture; entertainment; |
135 | “Transformations de l’habitat à Shanghai”, rapport de recherche, | 1988 | Book | Clément, Pierre, Ged, Françoise et Qi Wan | French | city; architecture; space |
465 | “Trade and Nationality at Shanghai upon the Outbreak of the First World War, 1914-1915” | 1988 | Journal article | Meyer, Kathryn | English | economy; foreigners |
471 | “Tōa dōbun shoin to 1930-nendai - nitchū kankei no hitōsokumen toshite” / 東亜同文書院と1930年代 ー 日中関関係の一側面として [Toa Dobun Shoin College in the 1930's: one view of Sino-Japanese relations] | 1996 | Journal article | Miyazaki, Junko 宮崎順子 | Japanese | foreigners; education; economy |
153 | “The Zikawei Collection in the Jesuit Theologate Library at Fujen University (Taiwan): Background and Draft Catalogue”, | 1996 | Journal article | Dudink, Adrian | English | library; books; documentation; |
565 | “The Shenbao in Crisis: the International Environment and the Conflict Between Guo Songtao and the Shenbao” | 1999 | Journal article | Wagner, Rudolf G. | English | culture; foreigners; press |
419 | “The Shanghai-Tientsin Connection: Li Hung-Chang's Political Control over Shanghai during the Late Ch'ing Period” | 1986 | Journal article | Leung, Yuen-sang | English | political |
502 | “The Shanghai Postal Workers' Union: Sample of A Yellow Union” | 1993 | Journal article | Rao, Jingying; Zhu, Hong, transl. | English | political; labor |
197 | “The Shanghai Municipal Council, 1850-1865: Some Biographical Notes” | 1984 | Journal article | Haan, J. H. | Unknown | political; elites; biography; foreigners |
542 | “The Shanghai Mixed Court and the Ming Sung Umbrella Case, 1926” | 1987 | Journal article | Stephens, Thomas B. | English | political; foreigners |
646 | “The Shanghai Labor Movement and the Gangs” | 1993 | Journal article | Zhu, Xuefan; Zhu, Hong, transl. | English | political; labor; social |
150 | “The Russian Club in Shanghai: Past and Present”, | 2001 | Journal article | Drozdov, Mikhail; Chernikova, Larissa | English | foreigners; social; |
151 | “The Role of the YMCA in the Development of the Chinese Women's Movement, 1890-1927”, | 1979 | Journal article | Drucker, Alison | English | women; social; religion; |
564 | “The Role of the Foreign Community in the Chinese Public Sphere” | 1995 | Journal article | Wagner, Rudolf G. | English | political; culture; foreigners |
157 | “The Revolution of 1911 in Shanghai”, | 1984 | Journal article | Elvin, Mark | English | political; elites; revolution; |
515 | “The Qingbang and Collaboration Under the Japanese, 1939-1945” | 1982 | Journal article | Rowe, William T. | English | political; social; war |
605 | “The Profits of Philanthropy: Relief Aid, Shenbao, and the Art World in Later Nineteenth-Century Shanghai” | 2004 | Journal article | Wue, Roberta | English | culture |
530 | “The Pre-1927 Shanghai Labor Movement” Chinese Studies in History 1993 27(1-2): 25-31. Abstract: | 1993 | Journal article | Shen, Yixing; Zhu, Hong, transl. | English | political; labor |
505 | “The power of mercy: the Chinese Red Cross Society, 1900-1937” | 1998 | Dissertation | Reeves, Caroline Beth | English | social; war |
249 | “The port of Shanghai (China), | 1928 | Dissertation | Huang, Kuo-Chang | English | space; economy |
243 | “The Politics of Prejudice: Subei People in Republican-Era Shanghai”, | 1989 | Journal article | Honig, Emily, | English | social |
516 | “The policy of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards Jewish refugees” | 1997 | Dissertation | Sakamoto, Pamela Rotner | English | political; foreigners |
451 | “The Pact With the Devil": the Relationship Between the Green Gang and the French Concession Authorities 1925-1935” | 1989 | Journal article | Martin, Brian G. | English | political; crime; foreigners |
684 | “The Other China: Shanghai from 1919-1949” | 1981 | Book chapter | Bergère, Marie-Claire | English | social; political; culture |
452 | “The Origins of the Green Gang and its Rise in Shanghai, 1850-1920” | 1991 | Journal article | Martin, Brian G. | English | crime; political; social |
544 | “The occupied screen: Star, fan, and nation in Shanghai cinema, 1937--1945” | 2000 | Dissertation | Stephenson, Shelley | English | culture |
205 | “The New Woman: Image, Subject, and Dissent in 1930s Shanghai Film Culture”, | 1995 | Journal article | Harris, Kristine | English | culture; women; cinema; movies; cultural |
185 | “The New Woman Commits Suicide: The Press, Cultural Memory, and the New Republic”, | 2005 | Journal article | Goodman, Bryna | English | social; women; press; media |
482 | “The Nationalists and the Daily Press: the Case of the Shen Bao, 1927-1934” | 1989 | Book chapter | Narramore, T. | English | culture; press; political |
183 | “The Locality as Microcosm of the Nation? Native Place Networks and Early Urban Nationalism in China” | 1995 | Journal article | Goodman, Bryna | English | social; political; elites; nationalism; identity; |
621 | “The Life-Style of Four Wenren in Late Qing Shanghai” | 1997 | Journal article | Yeh, Catherine Vance | English | culture |
259 | “The KMT Reorganization Faction and its Activities in Shanghai” | 1993 | Journal article | Jiang, Hao; Zhu, Hong, transl. | English | political; party |
463 | “The invention of Shanghai: Cultural passages and their transformation, 1860--1920” | 2000 | Dissertation | Meng, Yue | English | culture; cultural |
467 | “The interrelationship of Jewish communities in Shanghai” | 2000 | Journal article | Meyer, Maisie J. | English | foreigners; war |
234 | “The International Settlement of Shanghai”, | 1940 | Dissertation | Chen, Yao-sheng | English | political; foreigners |