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Full referenceXU Jianxiong 徐剑雄, 晚清上海女伶 (Shanghai Actresses in the Late Qing Dynasty) (2005)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)XU Jianxiong 徐剑雄
Title晚清上海女伶 (Shanghai Actresses in the Late Qing Dynasty)
Journal上海师范大学学报 Journal of Shanghai Teachers University
AbstractThe first actresses were those who began to act in Huagu Opera in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty. The rise of Mao' er Opera, a type of drama in which all the roles are played by females, not only promoted the development of Shanghai theatres , but also led to the emergence of specialized female theatrical troupes. Actresses' turning up on the theatre stage of the city made it possible that before long males and females acted together on the same stage. 晚清流入上海的花鼓戏中的女性演员为近代上海最早的女伶。髦儿戏的出现促进了上海戏园发展,又出现了专门的女班戏园,女伶开始登上城市戏园舞台,并在不久实现男女同台合演。女伶在上海舞台的出现历经艰难,但由于适应了近代上海娱乐商业化趋势、满足了舞台对女性艺人的需求、顺应了妇女解放的潮流,因而女伶队伍日益扩大,社会影响逐步增强,并折射了近代上海社会变迁。
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