ID | Title | Year | Type | Author(s) | Language | Keywords |
94 | Lao shanghai ditu 老上海地圖 (The Album of Shanghai during the Past 150 Years) | 2001 | Book | | Unknown | maps; city; urban; visual |
125 | Shanghai jindai wenxue shi上海近代文学史 (A Literary History of Modern Shanghai), | 1993 | Edited Volume | | Chinese | culture; literature; |
272 | The history of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation | 1988 | Edited Volume | | English | economy; |
274 | The Hongkong Bank in the Period of Imperialism and War, 1895-1918 : Wayfoong, the Focus of Wealth | 1988 | Edited Volume | | English | economy; |
370 | Shanhai: Nihon chishikijin no “kindai” taiken 魔都上海:日本知識人の「近代」体験 (Shanghai, the demon capital: The experience of “modernity” for Japanese intellectuals) | 2000 | Book | | Japanese | culture; intellectuals |
395 | Shanghai. 1949: The end of an era | 1989 | Book | | English | Photography; photographs |
408 | Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Fifty Vandyke Gravure Prints of the 'Model Settlement' | 1930 | Book | | English | visual; photograph |
854 | Tōa Dōbun Shoin Daigaku shi 東亞同文書院大學史 | 1982 | Book | | Japanese | education; culture |
906 | Yokohama to Shanhai : futatsu no kaikō toshi no kindai / 横浜と上海 : 二つの開港都市の近代 = 横滨和上海 : 两个开港城市的近代 | 1993 | Book | | Japanese | foreigners; social |
918 | Shanhai zairyū hōjin jinmei sakuin / 上海在留邦人人名索引 | 193 | Book | | Japanese | sources |
922 | Shanhai Kyōdō Sokai : jihen zenʾya / 上海共同租界 : 事変前夜 | 1986 | Book | | Japanese | visual; photograph |
924 | Meiji ikō nihonjin no chūgoku ryokōki :
kaidai / 明治以降日本人の中国旅行記 : 解題 | 1980 | Book | | Japanese | culture; foreigners |
977 | Shanghai sheying shi 上海摄影史 (History of photography in Shanghai) | 1992 | Book | | Chinese | visual; photography
1560 | Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Thirty-Eight Vandyke Prints of the 'Model Settlement'
| 1927 | Book | | English | sources; photographs |
1594 | Shanghai shangye ming lu 上海商業名錄 (Commercial Directory of Shanghai) | 1928 | Book | | Chinese | sources |
1625 | North China Herald | | Periodical | | English | |
1628 | Concession Française de Changhai - Service de Police - Rapport annuel 1937 | 1938 | Book | | French | war |
1641 | The China Press | | Periodical | | English | |
1643 | Shanghai Times | | Periodical | | English | sources |
1666 | Lao Shanghai hangming cidian - 老上海行名詞典 - English-Chinese Hong List of Shanghai | 2005 | Edited Volume | | English | maps; sources |
1815 | Shanghai shi shangyong dituce (Shanghai business atlas) 上海市商用地图册 | 1989 | Book | | Chinese | sources; maps; reference |
1820 | 上海市影像地图集 Shanghai shi yingxiang dituji (Atlas of aerial views of Shanghai) | 2001 | Book | | Chinese | maps; photographs; urban |
1821 | 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide) | 1947 | Book | | Chinese | maps; economy |
1960 | Visual Culture in Shanghai, 1850s-1930s | 2007 | Edited Volume | | Chinese | visual; urban |
1986 | Shanghai zhinan 上海指南 | 1925 | Book | | Chinese | sources |
2002 | Shanghai dang an shi liao yan jiu 上海档案史料研究 (Shanghai archives & records studies) | | Edited Volume | | Chinese | social; political; cultural; economic |
2003 | Shanghai tushuguan cang lishi yuanzhao 上海图书馆藏历史原照 (Original historical photos in the Shanghai Library collections) | 2007 | Edited Volume | | Chinese | visual; photography |
2018 | Shanghai lunlang 上海輪廊 | 1937 | Book | | Chinese | visual; photographs; photography |
2031 | Shanghai modern 1919-1945 : [on the occasion of the exhibition "Shanghai Modern" in the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (14 October 2004 - 16 January 2005) | 2004 | Edited Volume | | Unknown | culture; cultural |
2091 | “Kuaguo gongsi yu zhongguo minzu ziben qiye de hudong: yi liang ci shijie dazhan zhi jian zai hua lengdong danpin gongye de fazhan wei li” 跨國公司與中國民族資本企業的互動:以兩次世界大戰之間在華冷凍蛋品工業的發展為例 “Multinational Companies and Indigenous Enterprises in China: The Case of the Refrigerated Egg Packing Industry during the Inter-War Period” | 2002 | Journal article | | Chinese | economic; foreigner |
2130 | Zikai manhua quanji 子愷漫畫全集 (Complete Cartoon Works of [Feng] Zikai) | 1976 | Book | | Chinese | social; visual |
2149 | The photography of Sha Fei | 2009 | Book | | English | visual; photography |
2164 | Shanghai zhinan 上海指南 | 1922 | Book | | Chinese | guide; guidebook; sources |
2166 | Shanghai zhinan 上海指南 | 1957 | Book | | Chinese | guide; guidebook; sources |
2184 | General description of Shanghae and its environs, extracted from native authorities | 1850 | Book | | English | urban; space; source |
2217 | Shanghai land Assessment Schedule - English Settlement | 1876 | Book | | English | space; urban; cartography; WMS; land; cadastre |
2274 | Shanghai binzang bowuguan 上海殯葬博物館 Shanghai Funeral Museum | | Book | | English | visual; map; photograph; social |
3148 | Shanghai xian xu zhi 上海縣續志 | 1918 | Book | | Chinese | sources |
3169 | Schedule and report of the general land assessment committee of 1869 | 1869 | Book | | English | space; urban; cartography; WMS; land; cadastre |
3181 | Notification. List of renters of land at Shanghai, registered at H.B.M.'s Consulate
| 1864 | Archival documents | | English | space; urban; cartography; WMS; land; cadastre
4195 | North China Daily News | | Periodical | | English | |
4389 | The First Days of the Fighting at Shanghai: Japanese Forces in Action; and Their Casualties
| 1932 | Journal article | | English | |
98 | “Cosmopolitan De-scriptions: Shanghai and Hong Kong" | 2000 | Journal article | Abbas, Ackbar | English | space; architecture; culture; cultural; |
37 | Storia fotografia del lavoro in Italia, 1900-1980 | 1980 | Book | Accornero A., Luca U., Sapelli G. | Italian | photography; visual; |
2165 | Shanghai picture-verse : a book of sketches in rhyme for the Shanghai child of yesterday and to-day | 1939 | Book | Alla, Patricia | English | visual; guide; cultural |
38 | "Du dessin de presse à la photographie (1878-1914): histoire d'une mutation technique et culturelle" | 1992 | Journal article | Ambroise-Rendu, Anne-Claude | French | photography; visual; |
2292 | "Power, Politics, and the Making of Shanghai" | 2010 | Journal article | Arkaraprasertkul, Non | English | urban; space; architecture; political |
2048 | Exil Shanghai, 1938-1947. Jüdisches Leben in der Emigration | 2000 | Book | Armbrüster, Goerg; Kohlstruck, Michael; Mühlberger, Sonja (eds.) | German | foreigners; social |
2087 | "The Quest for Individuality: Students' Lives in Shanghai, 1919-1937" | 2007 | Dissertation | Au-Yeung, Chi Ying | English | social; political |
2116 | "The quest for individuality: Students' lives in Shanghai, 1919--1937" | 2007 | Dissertation | Au-Yeung, Chi Ying | English | education; culture; social |
4196 | Shanhai shōkōroku 上海商工錄 | 1944 | Book | Ayayoshi Takeuchi 武內文彬 | Japanese | source; directory; Japan; commerce; trade; chamber of commerce; industry |
2168 | Qingmo minchu shanghai shimin shenghuo ji shehui gainian bianqian - jian tan dazhong wenhua de yanjiu 清末民戶上海市民生活及社會概念變遷 - 蒹談大眾文化的研究 (The transformation of social concepts and live of Shanghai urbanites in the early twentieth century -- with a study of popular culture) | 2001 | Dissertation | Bai Lingling 白玲玲 | Chinese | social; urban; cultural |
2245 | "Du Yuesheng yu shanghai difang xiehui" 杜月笙与上海市地方协会 | 2003 | Journal article | Bai, Huashan 白华山 | Chinese | political; social; pdf |
2247 | Difang jingying yu shangai kangzhan - yi 1.28 shibian qijian de shanghai shimin difang xiehui wei li (Local Elites and the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai-with the Shanghai Civic Association during the Incident of January 28 in Shanghai as a Case Study) 地方精英与上海抗战——以“一·二八”事变期间的上海市民地方维持会为例 | 2008 | Journal article | Bai, Huashan 白华山 | Chinese | war; social; political |
2246 | 清末民初上海市民的社会生活及社会观念变迁——兼谈大众文化的研究 | 2001 | Dissertation | Bai, Lingling 白玲玲 | Chinese | culture; social; urban; pdf |
99 | Economic Shanghai : Hostage to Politics, 1937-1941 | 1941 | Book | Barnett, Robert W. | Unknown | economic; political; |
2145 | Shanghai : sketches of present day Shanghai | 1935 | Book | Barz, R. | English | visual; photography |
2134 | History of photography in China, 1842-1860 | 2009 | Book | Bennet, Terry | English | visual; photography; culture |
100 | “From teahouse to radio: Storytelling and the commercialization of culture in 1930s Shanghai” | 1996 | Dissertation | Benson, Carlton | English | culture; entertainment; media; music; radio; broadcasting; |
101 | "The Manipulation of Tanci in Radio Shanghai During the 1930s" | 1995 | Journal article | Benson, Carlton | English | culture; radio; broadcasting; media; entertainment |
102 | La bourgeoisie chinoise et la révolution de 1911 | 1968 | Book | Bergère, Marie-Claire | French | political; elites; revolution; |
103 | "Shanghai ou 'l'autre Chine', 1919-1949" | 1979 | Journal article | Bergère, Marie-Claire | French | social; economy; modernity; |
108 | « L'épuration à shanghai (1945-1946): l'affaire Sarly et la fin de la Concession française » | 1997 | Journal article | Bergère, Marie-Claire | French | political; concession; foreigners; nationalism; France; French; |
680 | La bourgeoisie chinoise et la révolution de 1911 | 1968 | Book | Bergère, Marie-Claire | French | political; elites |
683 | The Golden age of the Chinese bourgeoisie | 1990 | Book | Bergère, Marie-Claire | English | political; social; elites |
684 | “The Other China: Shanghai from 1919-1949” | 1981 | Book chapter | Bergère, Marie-Claire | English | social; political; culture |
105 | “Essai de prosopographie des élites shanghaiennes à l'époque républicaine,1911-1949" | 1985 | Journal article | Bergère, Marie-Claire ; Castelino, Noel ; Henriot, Christian ; Ho, Pui-Yin, | French | political; social; elites; |
109 | “A Note on Chinese Rice Prices: Interior Markets, 1928-1931” | 1990 | Journal article | Bessler, David A. | English | economic; rice; food |
110 | “From Orientals to Imagined Britons: Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai” | 2003 | Journal article | Betta, Chiara | English | foreigners; social; jews; |
2248 | Lun wanqing shanghai fushi shishang (Shanghai's Fashion during the Late Qing Dynasty Period) 论晚清上海服饰时尚 | 2001 | Journal article | Bian, Xiangyang 卞向阳 | Chinese | cultural; culture; social; pdf |
113 | “Shanghailanders: The Formation and Identity of the British Settler Community in Shanghai 1843-1937” | 1998 | Journal article | Bickers, Robert | English | foreigners; colonialism; power; elites; |
112 | “Death of a young Shanghaïlander: the Thorburn case and the defence of the British treaty ports in China in 1931”, | 1996 | Journal article | Bickers, Robert A. | English | foreigners; social; colonialism; diplomacy |
2033 | "History, legend, and Treaty Port Ideology, 1925-1931" | 1993 | Book chapter | Bickers, Robert A. | English | foreign; social; political |
2045 | "Who were the Shanghai Municipal police, and why were they there? The Brtish recruits of 1919" | 2000 | Book chapter | Bickers, Robert A. | English | foreigners; social; political |
2046 | Empire made me. An Englishman adrift in Shanghai | 2003 | Book | Bickers, Robert A. | English | foreigners; political; social |
2133 | "Ordering Shanghai: Policing a treaty port, 1854-1900" | 2004 | Book chapter | Bickers, Robert A. | English | social; political |
111 | "Shanghai's "Dogs and Chinese Not Admitted" Sign: Legend, History and Contemporary Symbol" | 1995 | Journal article | Bickers, Robert A.; Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N., | English | political; culture; foreigners; colonialism; bund |
114 | “La France face à l'émergence du communisme en Chine (1920-1928): la tentation de l'endiguement”, | 2004 | Journal article | Bidaud, S. | French | foreigners; political; communist; party; police; concession; France; French |
4163 | Under and Beyond the Pen of Eileen Chang: Shanghai, Nanyang, Huaqiao, and Greater China
| | Journal article | Bin Yang | English | Literature; culture; writer; China; overseas Chinese; emigration |
115 | “The Evolution of Strategic Planning in Shanghai, 1927-1949” | 1995 | Journal article | Bing, Zhang | English | city; architecture; space; |
116 | Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution | 2003 | Book | Birns, Jack | English | photographs; visual; |
2295 | "Shanghai's Environmental Problems" | 2010 | Journal article | BIRYULIN, Yevgeny | English | urban; space; economic |
1787 | Old China in historic photographs : 288 views | 1982 | Book | Boerschmann, Ernst | English | photographs; sources |
117 | Shanghai-Bildzeitung 1884-1898 : eine Illustrierte aus dem China des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts, | 1977 | Book | Briessen, Fritz van | German | culture; media; press |
2157 | "Jindai zhabei de subeiren (1900-1949) 近代閘北的蘇北人 (Subei people in Zhabei in the modern era, 1900-1949, 1900-1949) | 2006 | Dissertation | Cai, Liang 蔡 亮 | Chinese | social; space; urban; pdf |
2237 | 近代上海的棚户区与国民政府的治理能力 | 2009 | Journal article | Cai, Liang 蔡 亮 | Chinese | social; urban; architecture |
118 | “The dream palaces of Shanghai: American films in China's largest metropolis, 1920-1950” | 1993 | Dissertation | Cambon, Marie Francine | English | culture; movie; cinema; entertainment |
280 | Present day impressions of Japan; the history, people, commerce, industries and resources of Japan and Japan's colonial empire, Kwantung, Chosen, Taiwan, Karafuto | 1919 | Book | Cameron, W. H. Morton | English | visual; photographs |
2169 | Mingui shiqi shanghai nüxing fanzui wenti yanjiu 民国时期上海女性犯罪问题研究 (1927-1937) (A study of women's criminality in Shanghai) | 2006 | Dissertation | Cao Guanqun 曹关群 | Chinese | gender; urban; social |
2170 | Shanghai de hongwanzi yanjiu 上海的世界紅卍字會研究 (A study of the [Buddhist] Red Swastika Society | 2005 | Dissertation | Cao Lilong 曹禮龍 | Chinese | religion; social |