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ID | Title | Year | Type | Author(s) | Language | Keywords |
2001 | Kangzhan shiqi de Shanghai wenhua 抗战时期的上海文化 | 2001 | Book | Qi Weiping 齐卫平, Zhu Minyan 朱敏彦, He Jiliang 何继良 | Chinese | war; cultural; political |
2301 | Revolution and business: Shanghai in the Revolution of 1911 | 2009 | Journal article | Qu, Jun | English | political; social; economic |
500 | “Kangzhan shiqi dahou fang yu lunxian qujian de fabi liudong” [The flow of Guomindang currency between Chinese-controlled and enemy-occupied areas during the resistance war against Japan] | 2003 | Journal article | Qi, Chunfeng | Chinese | economy; war |
1713 | “Shanghai diqu jiangyu yange kao (Yuan dai yihou)” 上海地区疆域沿革考 (元代以后) (An examination of the evolution of the limits of the Shanghai area) | 1984 | Book chapter | Qiao Shuming 谯枢铭 | Chinese | political; urban; space |
1773 | 清末上海剧场演变的轨迹 (Evolution of Theaters in Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty) | 2006 | Journal article | QIAN Jiu-yuan 钱久元 | Unknown | |
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Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
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