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ID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
2038"New wine in old bottels? Making and reading an illustrated magazine from late 19th-century Shanghai"2007Book chapterKim, NanyEnglishcultural; culture; press
1719"Non-governmentalism in the historical development of Shanghai"1981Book chapterWhyte, Lynn T.Englishurban; political;
2047"Nostalgia for the future: The resurgence of an alienated culture in China"2004Journal articleLu, HanchaoEnglishcultural; culture; social
2151"Number 6 on the Bund: Looking back. New facts about an old building"2007Journal articlePolitzer, EricEnglishurban; architecture
2103"Nüxing xiaofei yu xiaofei nüxing: yi jindai shanghai baihuo gongsi wei zhongxin" 女性消費與消費女性: 以近代上海百貨公司為中心 (Women consumption and consuming women: Department stores in modern Shanghai)2009Book chapterLien, Ling-ling 連玲玲Chinesewomen; social; economic
3155"Old provenances of the Western books in the former (and current) Xujiahui (Zikawei)-library, Shanghai"2014Journal articleGolvers, N.Englishculture; cultural; library; source
1756"On Their Dress They Wore a Body: Fashion and Identity in Late Qing"2003Journal articleZamperini, PaolaEnglishculture; women; social
2133"Ordering Shanghai: Policing a treaty port, 1854-1900"2004Book chapterBickers, Robert A.Englishsocial; political
199"Organized Labor in Shanghai, 1927-1937",1978DissertationHammond, Edward R.Englishsocial; labor; workers; political
2072"Paihui yu chuantong yu xiandai zhi jian: cong zhuzhici kan jindai shanghai wenhua fengqi de bianqian 徘徊于傳統與現代之間:從竹枝詞看近代上海文化風氣的變遷 (Balancing between tradition and modernity: an examination of the transformation of modern Shanghai literary trends from bamboo poetry)2008Journal articleWang Yi 王毅Chinesecultural; culture
2037"Painters and publishing in late nineteenth century Shanghai"1998Book chapterHay, JonathanEnglishculture; cultural
2026"Painting and the built environment in late nineteenth-century Shanghai"2001Book chapterHay, JonathanEnglishculture; cultural
160"Patronage and Production in the Nineteenth-Century Shanghai Region: Ren Xiong (1823-1857) and His Sponsors." 1997DissertationErickson, Britta LeeEnglisheconomy; elites;
2040"Personal styles, cultural values, and management: The Sincere and Wing On companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong, 1900-1941"1998Book chapterChan, Wellington K.K.Englisheconomy; social
2039"Post-impressionists in pre-war Shanghai The Juelanshe (Storm Society) and the fate of modernism in Republican Shanghai"1993Book chapterCroizier, RalphEnglishcultural; culture
2292"Power, Politics, and the Making of Shanghai"2010Journal articleArkaraprasertkul, NonEnglishurban; space; architecture; political
1657"Printed in LOndon, Disbursed on the Bund: The Hong Kong Bank and its Early Note Issue in Shanghai, 1865-1911"2006Journal articleHoresh, NivEnglishbank; finance; money; economy
2293"Qingmo Minchu Shanghai Difang Jingying Neibu de Quanshi Zhuanyi" 清末民初上海地方經營內部的權勢轉移2010Journal articleXu, Mao-ming and Chen Yuan-yuanChinesepolitical
2098"Qiye wenhua de xingcheng yu zhuanxing: yi minguo shiqi de shanghai yong'an gong si wei li" 企業文化的形成與轉型:以民國時期的上海永安公司為例 (The shaping and transformation of business culture: The Wing On Company in Shanghai in the Republican period)2005Journal articleLien, Ling-ling 連玲玲Chineseeconomic; social; labor; business
2141"Reconstructing Zhou Enlai's Escape from Shanghai in 1931: A Research Note"2008Journal articleKessler, LawrenceEnglishpolitical
2027"Remapping borders: Ren Bonian's frontier paintings and urban life in 1880s Shanghai"2004Journal articleLai, Yu-chihEnglishculture; cultural
2115"Resistance, urban style: The New Fourth Army and Shanghai, 1937--1945"2007DissertationRottmann, AllisonEnglishpolitical; military; economic; war
2265"Riben shituan dui qing mo shanghai shehui de guancha" 日本使团对清末上海社情的观察 (The Japanese Diplomatic Envoy's Observation of Shanghai society in Late Qing Dynasty)2001Journal articleFeng, Tianyu 冯天瑜Chineseforeigner; social; pdf
2099"Richang shenghuo de quanli changyu: yi minguo shiqi baihuo gongsi dianzhiyuan wei li" 日常生活的權力場域: 以民國時期的百貨公司店職員為例 (Everyday life as an arena of power relations: Department store clerks in Republican Shanghai)2007Journal articleLien, Ling-ling 連玲玲Chinesesocial; economic; business
426"Russian Emigre Literature in China: a Missing Link"2004DissertationLi, MengEnglishculture; foreigners
414"Sexual Modernism in China: Zhang Jingsheng and 1920s Urban Culture"1994DissertationLeary, CharlesEnglishculture; social
2254"Shanghai bainian qipao" 上海百年旗袍 (A century of development of mandarin gown in Shanghai)2007Journal articleCheng, Naishan 程乃姗Chinesesocial; visual; pdf
1897"Shanghai ciaceng minzhong dui wusi yundong de fanying: yi 'riren zhidu' fengchao wei zhongxin" 上海下層民衆對五四運動的反應: 以'日人置毒'風潮為中心 2005Journal articleFeng Xiaocai 馮筱才Chinesesocial; labor; foriegners; political
979"Shanghai dagongbao de sheying gongzuo" / 上海大公报的摄影工作1991Book chapterWei Shouzhong 魏守中; Guan Shaoxi 管绍熙Chineseculture; photography; visual; press
3016"Shanghai de fangzhi nügong shenghuo" 上海的紡織女工生活  (The life of textile mill female workers)2011Journal articleYe, Xiubao 葉秀寶Chineseindustry; labor; worker; social; factory; plant
1718"Shanghai diqu zui zao de duiwai maoyi gang - Qinglong zhen" 上海地區最早的貿易港 - 青龍鎮 (Qinglong market-town - the earliest commercial port in the Shanghai region)1980Journal articleZhou Yilin 周逸麟Chineseeconomy; region
3024"Shanghai fazujie 'chang-zhai hunhe' jiequ chengyin tanjiu  上海法租界"廠宅混合"街區成因探究  (On the formation of factory-residence mixed blocks in the French Concession)2011Journal articleLu, Yue 陸 燁Chineseurban; space; industry; economic; social
3073"Shanghai fazujie huaren xunbu yanjiu"  上海法租界華人巡捕研究  (A study of Chinese policemen in the French Concession of Shanghai)2012Journal articleZhu, Xiaoming 朱曉明Chinesepolice; city; foreigner; settlement; French Concession
4388"Shanghai guoji lianjie zhi yi kaiguan: xiren yu hucheng tonghai hangdao anquan zhishi de jiangou yu shijian" 上海國際連結之一開端:西人與滬城通海航道安全知識的建構與實踐(1843-1858)(The Building of Shanghai’s Early International Links: Westerners’ Hydrographic Surveys and Navigational Facilities between the Yangtze River Mouth and Shanghai, 1843-1858)2021Journal articleYu Po-ching 游博清 [You Boqing]Chineseport; harbor; infrastructure; shipping; navigation; safety; shipwreck; survey; Yangzi River; Huangpu River
1888"Shanghai jindai chengshi guihua lishi ji qi fanxing yanjiu (1843-1949)" 上海近代城市規劃歷史及其範性研究(A historical study of the paradigm of early modern city planning of Shanghai)2006Journal articleLi, Bohao ;李百浩 Guo, Jian 郭 建; Huang, Yaping 黃亞平Chineseurban; space; architecture
2044"Shanghai leisure, print entertainment and the tabloids xiaobao 小報"2005Book chapterYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishcultural; culture; press
1896"Shanghai lüshiye de gaizao yu xiaomie (1949-1957" 上海律師業的改造與消滅2006Book chapterSun, Hueimin 孫慧敏Chinesesocial; political
1754"Shanghai Nostalgia: Postrevolutionary Allegories in Wang Anyi's Literary Production in the 1990s"2000Journal articleZhang, XudongEnglishliterature; culture
103"Shanghai ou 'l'autre Chine', 1919-1949"1979Journal articleBergère, Marie-ClaireFrenchsocial; economy; modernity;
2259"Shanghai ribenren juliumin zhanhou qiansong zhengce de shixiang" 上海日本人居留民战后遣送政策的实相2004Journal articleChen, Zu'enChineseforeigner; social; political
1755"Shanghai Savage"2003Journal articleSchaefer, WilliamEnglishculture; cultural
3009"Shanghai shuhua mingjia shehui shenghuo (1937-1945)  (The social life of famous painters and calligraphers in Shanghai)2011Journal articleTian, YipingChineseculture; art; painting; calligraphy; social
462"Shanghai success: A study of the development of the Chinese mechanized flour milling industry, 1900-1910"1996DissertationMeissner, Daniel JamesEnglisheconomy; industry
1730"Shanghai xiangjiao fengchao ji qi dui jiang-zhe diqu minzu jingji de chongji 上海橡胶风潮及其对江浙地区民族经济的冲击 (The Rubber crisis in Shanghai and its impact on the national economy of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang region"1989Journal articleMin Jie 闵 杰Chineseeconomy; trade
2253"Shanghai zhongxin chengqu heliu shuixi bainian bianhua ji yingxiang yinsu fenxi 上海中心城区河流水系百年变化及影响因素分析 (Variation of River System in Center District of Shanghai and Its Impact Factors During the Last One Hundred Years)2007Journal articleCheng, Jiang et al. 程江; 杨凯; 赵军; 袁雯; 吴健平Chineseurban; space; river; pdf
111"Shanghai's "Dogs and Chinese Not Admitted" Sign: Legend, History and Contemporary Symbol"1995Journal articleBickers, Robert A.; Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.,Englishpolitical; culture; foreigners; colonialism; bund
2295"Shanghai's Environmental Problems"2010Journal articleBIRYULIN, YevgenyEnglishurban; space; economic
165"Shanghai-Japan": The Japanese Residents' Association of Shanghai”,2000Journal articleFogel, Joshua A.Englishforeigners; social; Japan
970"Shanhai zairyū nihonjin jinko dōcha" 上海在留日本人人口調査  (A survey of the population of Japanese residents in Shanghai)1993Book chapterTadao Satō 佐藤忠男Japaneseforeigners; social
2252"Shenbao yu jindai shanghai juchang (Shen Bao and Modern Theaters in Shanghai) 《申报》与近代上海剧场2004Journal articleYao, Xiaoou 姚小鸥Unknownculture; social; entertainment; leisure; pdf
3163"Sheng Xuanhuai jiachan ji qi jiegou. Jiyu 1920 nian Sheng shi yichan qingli jieguo de fenxi" 盛宣怀家产及其结构——基于1920年盛氏遗产清理结果的分析 (Sheng Xuanhuai family property and its structure. An analysis based on the results of the settling of Sheng's inheritance)2014Journal articleYun, Yan 云妍Chineseeconomic; social
1796"Shiji de cangsang -- 'Waibaiduqiao' shihua" 世纪的沧桑——“外白渡桥”史话 (Life Vicissitudes of the Century-Historical Words of Shanghai“Garden Bridge”)2000Journal articleLi Yankui 李阎魁Chinesespace; urban
2260"Shilun 1920-1930 niandai shanghai tonggong wenti" 试论1920 、1930 年代上海童工问题 (On Child Labor in Shanghai 1920s~1930s)2008Journal articleDing, Yonghua 丁 勇 华,  Lü, Jiahang 吕 佳 航Chinesesocial; economic; child
464"Splitting Apart: the Shanghai Treaty Port in Transition, 1914-1921"1985DissertationMeyer, Kathryn B.Englishforeigners; economic; political
603"The "May Movement" of Shanghai Students, 1947"1993Journal articleWu, Xueqian; Zhu, Hong, transl.Englishpolitical
1670"The 2 1/2% margin: Britain's Shanghai Traders and China's Resilience in the Face of Commercial Penetration1988Journal articleYearley, Clifton K. and MacPherson, Kerrie L.Englisheconomy; foreigners; trade
154"The Administration of Shanghai, 1905-1914"1974Book chapterElvin, MarkEnglishpolitical; elites; power; state; Bund
1865"The Bund: littoral space of empire in the treaty ports of East Asia"2002Journal articleTaylor, Jeremy E.Englishspace; urban; architecture; Bund
1690"The Changing Face of the Shanghai Bund, circa 1849-1879"2005Journal articlePolitzer, EricEnglishurban; space; architecture; bund
446"The City and the State: Historical Reflections on Hong Kong's Identity in Transition, 1997 and Beyond" 1997Journal articleMacPherson, Kerrie LEnglishpolitical
155"The Gentry Democracy in Shanghai, 1905-1914"1969Book chapterElvin, MarkEnglishpolitical; elites; power; state; Bund
156"The Gentry Democracy in Shanghai, 1905-1914",1967DissertationElvin, MarkEnglishcity; urban; political; power; state; elites; Wall; Bund
2049"The head of the dragon: the Pudong New Area and Shanghai's urban development"1994Journal articleMacPherson, Kerrie L.Englishurban; space
198"The Impact of the Shanghai Incident upon the United States and the League of Nations",1953DissertationHamilton, Thomas T.Englishpolitical; war; foreigners; diplomacy
101"The Manipulation of Tanci in Radio Shanghai During the 1930s"1995Journal articleBenson, CarltonEnglishculture; radio; broadcasting; media; entertainment
2032"The new woman incident: Cinema, scandal, and spectacle in 1935 Shanghai"1997Book chapterHarris, KristineEnglishculture; cultural
2156"The oldest building on the Bund. Russell & Co.'s Stone House 'melts into air'"2006Journal articlePolitzer, EricEnglisharchitecture; urban; space
2121"The origins and development of the national salvation movement in Shanghai, 1931-1937"1991DissertationFrancis, Lesley Jean 范麗珍Englishpolitical; education; university
2028"The pictorial turn: Realism, Modernity, and China's Print Culture in the Late Nineteenth Century"2005Journal articlePang, LaikwanEnglishcultural; culture
2116"The quest for individuality: Students' lives in Shanghai, 1919--1937"2007DissertationAu-Yeung, Chi YingEnglisheducation; culture; social
2087"The Quest for Individuality: Students' Lives in Shanghai, 1919-1937"2007DissertationAu-Yeung, Chi YingEnglishsocial; political
2117"The Shanghai Art College, 1913-1937"2006DissertationZheng, Jie, Jane 鄭潔Englishculture; cultural; art
2035"The texture of the metropolic: Modernist inscriptions of Shanghai in the 1930s"1995Journal articleZhang, YingjinEnglishurban; space; culture
581"The weight of frivolous matters: Shanghai tabloid culture, 1897—1911"2005DissertationWang, JuanEnglishculture; press
2070"Tianbang zhulu yu shanghai jindai chengshi huanjing bianqian 添濱築路與上海近代環境變遷 (Building roads on creeks and environmental change in modern Shanghai)2006Journal articleWu, Junfan 吳俊範Chineseurban; space
1980"To the Countryside: Communist Recruitment in Wartime Shanghai" 2007Book chapterRottmann, AllisonEnglishpolitical; war;
574"Tu Yueh-sheng (1891-1951): A Tentative Biography"1967Journal articleWang, Y.C.Englishsocial; political
509"Une grève en 1928 à Changhai: un détournement d'héritage?"1974Journal articleRoux, AlainFrenchpolitical; labor
598"Urbanization in Shanghai: A Study of Shanghai and Peking"1940DissertationWu, Pek-siEnglishurban; architecture
2042"Useful knowledge and appropriate communication: The field of journalistic production in late nineteenth-century China"2007Book chapterGentz, NataschaEnglishculture; cultural; press
1731"Waiguo yanghang longduan shengsi shuchu dui shanghai diqu sichangye de yingxiang" 外国洋行垄断生丝输出对上海地区丝厂业的影响 (The influence of the monopolizing of raw silk exports by foreign companies on the silk industry in the Shanghai region)1986Journal articleZhang Diken 张迪恳Chineseeconomy; foreigners
3013"Waiguo zhu hu lingshi yu 'dongnan hubao'. Ce zhong ying, ri, mei san guo"  外國駐滬領事與東南互保、-- 側重英, 日, 美三國  (Foreign consuls in Shanghai and 'Sout-East Mutual Protection'. With a focus on the United Kingdom, Japan, and the USA)2011Journal articleDai, Haixin 戴海斌Chineseforeigner; political; diplomatic
3077"Wan qing Shanghai zujie de dijia biaoxian" 晚清上海的地價表現 (Land prices in Shanghai at the end of the Qing dynasty)2012Journal articleDu, Xuncheng 杜恂城Chineseeconomic; land; foreigner; settlement
2256"Wan qing shanghai zujie gonggong weisheng guanli tanxi" 晚清上海租界公共卫生管理探析 (1854—1910) (The Analysis on Public Health Management in Shanghai International Concession, 1854-1910)2005DissertationChen, Weilin 陈蔚琳Chinesesocial; health; foreigner; disease
2249"Wan qing shanghai zujie kuojie de kaocha" 晚清上海租界扩界的历史考察2008Journal articleCao, Fajun 曹发军, Zhao, Huanhuan ,赵媛媛Chineseforeigner; urban; space; pdf
3006"Wangluo, paixi, liyi: wan qing lü hu tongxiang wenren qunti zhengzhi huodong yanjiu" 網絡,派系, 利益: 晚清旅滬同鄉文人群體政治活研究 (Networks, cliques, interests: a study of collective political action by fellow literati in late Qing Shanghai)2011Journal articleYe, Zhou 葉 舟Chinesepolitical; social
2045"Who were the Shanghai Municipal police, and why were they there? The Brtish recruits of 1919"2000Book chapterBickers, Robert A.Englishforeigners; social; political
2296"William Saunders, Photographer of Shanghai Customs"2010Journal articleThiriez, RegineEnglishvisual; photography; social; source
2251"Xiuxing yu cishan - Shanghai de shijie hongwanzihui yanjiu" 修行与慈善——上海的世界红卍字会研究(1927—1949)2005DissertationCao, Lilong 曹礼龙Chinesesocial; religion; pdf
190"Yellow Unionism in Shanghai: A Study in KMT Technique in Labor Control, 1927-1937", 1953Journal articleGourlay, Walter E.Englishsocial; political; workers; labor
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