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ID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
369Jiu shanghai renkou bianqian de yanjiu 旧上海人口变迁的研究 (A study of population change in old Shanghai) 1980BookZou Yiren 鄒依仁Chinesesocial; demography; population; WMS
647“Wuxu zhi xinhai difang zizhi de fazhan - hunan baoweiju yu shanghai gongchengju zhi bijiao” [Development of local government from 1898 to 1911: the Hunan Security Bureau and the Shanghai Engineering Bureau]1999Journal articleZhu, YingChinesepolitical
646“The Shanghai Labor Movement and the Gangs”1993Journal articleZhu, Xuefan; Zhu, Hong, transl.Englishpolitical; labor; social
3073"Shanghai fazujie huaren xunbu yanjiu"  上海法租界華人巡捕研究  (A study of Chinese policemen in the French Concession of Shanghai)2012Journal articleZhu, Xiaoming 朱曉明Chinesepolice; city; foreigner; settlement; French Concession
3012"Jiefang chuqi shanghai guoying qiye jiu gongzi zhidu de chubu gaizao"  解放初期上海國營企業舊工資制度的初步改造  (The initial reform of the old wage system in state-run companies in early-liberation Shanghai)2011Journal articleZhu, Ting 朱 婷economic; industry; company; wage; salary; worket; labor
2273"Beiyang shiqi 'beisihang' zai shanghai 北洋時期'北四行'再上海 (The 'four northern banks' in Shanghai during the Beiyang government period)2010Journal articleZhu, Jing 諸 靜Chineseeconomic; finance; bank, finance, money, economy
645“Du yuesheng qi ren” (Du Yuesheng, the man)1988Journal articleZhu, Hua; Su, ZhiliangChinesepolitical; social
368Jindai shanghai zujie weisheng shilue 近代上海租界卫生史略 [A brief history of hygiene in the Shanghai concessions] 1996Journal articleZhu, DemingChinesesocial; health
643“20 shiji 30 niandai shanghai gonggong zujie yiliao jiuhu gaikuang” [Medical rescue in Shanghai's public concession in the 1930's]2001Journal articleZhu, DemingChinesehealth; social
644“20 shiji 30 niandao shanghai gonggong zujie huanjing weisheng zhili gaikuang” [A survey of the foreign concession sanitation administration in 1930's Shanghai]2000Journal articleZhu, DemingChineseforeigners; health; social
1710Shanghai lishi ditu ji 上海历史地图集1999BookZhou, Zhenhe 周振鹤Chineseurban; space;
642“Beardsley, the Chinese Decadents and Commodity Culture in Shanghai During the 1930's”2000Journal articleZhou, XiaoyiEnglishculture
641« 1928 zhi 1929 nian de fanri hui » [The Anti-Japanese Society, 1928-29]2004Journal articleZhou, BinChinesepolitical; foreigners
1718"Shanghai diqu zui zao de duiwai maoyi gang - Qinglong zhen" 上海地區最早的貿易港 - 青龍鎮 (Qinglong market-town - the earliest commercial port in the Shanghai region)1980Journal articleZhou Yilin 周逸麟Chineseeconomy; region
2009"Gudao" shiqi de "wenhuibao" yanjiu “孤岛”时期的《文汇报》研究2007DissertationZhou Lihua 周立华Chinesecultural; political
1772对上海工人第一次武装起义失败责任的再讨论 (Re-discussing about the First Armed Insurrection Failure Responsibility of Shanghai Workers)2006Journal articleZHOU Li-sheng 周利生 ; XIAO Hua-ping 肖华平Chinesexxx
1999Shanghai jiao shi yun dong shi, (1919-1949) 上海教师运动史, (1919-1949)2007Edited VolumeZhong gong shanghai shiwei dangshi yanjiushi (ed.) 中共上海市委党史研究室Chinesepolitical; social; cultural
2117"The Shanghai Art College, 1913-1937"2006DissertationZheng, Jie, Jane 鄭潔Englishculture; cultural; art
640“1927-1936 nian guomin zhengfu yu shanghui guanxi shulun” [Relations between the Nationalist government and the chambers of commerce, 1927-36]2003Journal articleZheng, ChenglinChinesepolitical; social; economy
14Shanghai jiuying 上海旧影1998BookZheng Zu'an 郑祖安, Ye Shuping (eds)Chinesephotographs; visual
1685Shanghai diming xiaozhi 上海地名小志 [A short history of Shanghai place names]1988BookZheng Zu'an 郑祖安Chineseurban; space
1686Bainian Shanghai cheng 百年上海城 [Shanghai in one hundred years]1999BookZheng Zu'an 郑祖安Chinesesocial; urban; space
1687Haishang jianying 海上剪影 [The old days of Shanghai]2001BookZheng Zu'an 郑祖安Chinesesocial; photographs
1688Laoshanghai shizijietou 老上海十字街头 (The streets of old Shanghai), Shanghai, Shanghai wenhua chubanshe, 20042004BookZheng Zu'an 郑祖安Chinesesocial; visual; photographs
639“Shanghai dongya tongwen shuyuan yu jindai riben qin hua huodong” [Shanghai East Asia Common Culture Academy and modern Japan's aggression against China]2002Journal articleZhao, WenyuanChineseforeigners; culture; education
871Shanhai bungaku zanzō : Nihonjin sakka no hikari to kage / 上海·文学殘像 : 日本人作家の光と影2000BookZhao, Mengyun 趙夢雲Japaneseculture; foreigners
3098Minguo shanghai de chanke yiliao jiufen  民國上海的產科醫療糾紛 (Maternity medical disputes in Republican Shanghai )2012Journal articleZhao, Jing 趙 婧Chinesesocial; gender; women; medicine; hospital; childbirth; dispute
2107Shanghai shi ditu ji 上海市地图集1984BookZhao Zukang 趙祖康Chineseurban; space;
638“Shanghai chengshi jingji de jindaihua ji dui changjiang liuyu jingji de yingxiang” [The modernization of Shanghai's urban economy and its influence on the Yangtze River basin's economy]1992Journal articleZhang, Zhongli and Peng, JunxiangChineseeconomy; region
637“Rivalry and alliance: Chinese trade unions and state power in the twentieth century, with special attention to Qingdao and Shanghai”1997DissertationZhang, YunqiuEnglishsocial; political; labor
636“Shanghai zujie yu wanqing xixue shuru” [The Shanghai Concession and the inflow of Western learning in the late Qing]1989Journal articleZhang, YuanlongChineseforeigners; culture
635Cinema and urban culture in Shanghai, 1922-19431999Edited VolumeZhang, Yingjin (ed.)Englishculture; urban
2035"The texture of the metropolic: Modernist inscriptions of Shanghai in the 1930s"1995Journal articleZhang, YingjinEnglishurban; space; culture
1754"Shanghai Nostalgia: Postrevolutionary Allegories in Wang Anyi's Literary Production in the 1990s"2000Journal articleZhang, XudongEnglishliterature; culture
3010"1940 niandai houqi hu gang jian zijin liudong ji yingxiang"   1940年代後期滬港間資金流動及影響  (The circulation of capital between Shanghai and Hong Kong and its impact in the late 1940s)2011Journal articleZhang, Xiuli 張秀莉Chineseeconomic; bank; finance; capital; money; currency; war; inflation
2242"Lun 1935 nian jinrong konghuang zhong de "xiao san hang" gaizu" (On the reshuffle of the "Three small banks" in the 1935 financial panic" 论1935年金融恐慌中的“小三行”改组2009Journal articleZhang, Xiuli 张秀莉Chineseeconomic
634“Zai hua yingren jian de wenhua chongtu: shanghai "yundong jia" duikang "niaolei tuhai," 1890-1920” [Cultural conflicts in the British community in China: Shanghai "sportsmen" versus the "bird slaughterers," 1890-1920]2000Journal articleZhang, Ning JenniferChineseforeigners
633“Wenhua zhongxin de yu 30 niandai wenxue de dushi shengcun kongjian” [Cultural center and metropolitan space in literature of the 1930's]2000Journal articleZhang, LinjieChineseculture
3082"Zaoqi subei lühu yimin shetuan de yanbian" 早期蘇北旅滬社團的演變 (The evolution of the association of early Subei migrants)2012Zhang, Ling 張 玲 ; Ying Niexiao 應聶瀟Chinesesocial; labor; migration; Subei; Jiangbei; association
2236上海与天津清末地方自治的比较——从城市管理机构建立角度2009Journal articleZhang, Limin 张利民Chinesepolitical; urban
632“Peasant household economy under the influence of international trade, industrialization, and urbanization: A case study of Wuxi peasants' response to economic opportunities, 1860s--1940s”2002DissertationZhang, LiEnglisheconomy; region
631“On Student Groups in the Political Movement in Shanghai (1925-1927)”1993Journal articleZhang, Jishun; Zhu, Hong, transl.Englishpolitical
4164Yuanqu de dushi: 1950 niandai de Shanghai 远去的都市:1950 年代的上海 (A City Displayed: Shanghai in the 1950s)2015BookZhang, Jishun 张济顺Chinesecity; urban; social; political; worker; intellectual; education
2276THOUGHT REFORM AND PRESS NATIONALIZATION IN SHANGHAI: THE WENHUI NEWSPAPER IN THE EARLY 1950S2010Journal articleZhang, JishunEnglishcultural; press; newspaper; political
630“20 shiji 20-30 niandai "shanghai moshi" dui chongqing de chongji” [The impact of the "Shanghai model" on Chongqing during the 1920's-30's]2000Journal articleZhang, JinChinesepolitical; urban
4156"'Gudao' shiqi shanghai laozi guanxi zhong de minzu zhuyi "孤岛"时期上海劳资关系中的民族主义2016Journal articleZhang, Fuyun zhang 张福运Chinesewar; nationalism; Japan; China; labor; worker; business; capital
1729“Qing qianqi shanghai gang fazhan yanbian xintan” 清前期上海港发展演变新探 (New investigation in the evolution of Shanghai harbor in the early Qing period)1987Journal articleZhang Zhongming 张忠民Chineseeconomic
1819Shanghai, cong kai fa zou xiang kai fang, 1368-1842 上海: 从开发走向开放, 1368-1842 (Shanghai: from opening to opening)1990BookZhang Zhongming 张忠民Chineseeconomy; social; urban; space; region; political
279Shanghai shi fenqu lilong xiangtu 上海市分區里弄詳圖 (Detailed map of Shanghai lanes)1947BookZhang ZhiyunChinesemap; street; cartes; plans; rues
2125Qing nian hui shi shen mo? : Shanghai Jidu jiao qing nian hui yan jiu (1900-1922) 青年會是甚麼? : 上海基督教青年會研究(1900-1922)[What is YMCA? : a study of Shanghai YMCA (1900-1922)]2007DissertationZhang Zhiwei [Cheung Chi Wai] 張志偉Chinesereligion; social; political; foreigner
1777略论上海租界的城市化效应 (A Brief Analysis of Urbanism Effect of Concessions in Shanghai)2006Journal articleZHANG Yinjie 章银杰; ; JIN Xuemei 金雪妹Unknownxxx
1780略论小刀会起义后上海租界的崛起 (A Brief Analysis of the Sudden Rise of Shanghai Leased Territory after the Small Sword Society Uprising)2005Journal articleZHANG Yin-jie 章银杰Unknownxxx
1784论上海“孤岛”与大后方的贸易 (The Trade between Shanghai "Isolated Island" and the Rear Area)2005Journal articleZHANG Saiqun 张赛群Unknownxxx
1731"Waiguo yanghang longduan shengsi shuchu dui shanghai diqu sichangye de yingxiang" 外国洋行垄断生丝输出对上海地区丝厂业的影响 (The influence of the monopolizing of raw silk exports by foreign companies on the silk industry in the Shanghai region)1986Journal articleZhang Diken 张迪恳Chineseeconomy; foreigners
2291"Minguo Shanghai tongzijun jiaoyu ji qi yingxiang" 民國上海童子軍教育記及其影響2009Journal articleZhai, Hai-tao, and Ying HeChinesepolitical; military; social
629“Shanhai shogyo chochiku ginko ni miru chugoku ginko no keise katei (1920-1931 nen): shanhai ni okeru kashitsu gyomu no bunseki o chushin ni” [The Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank as seen in the development of Chinese banking, 1920-31: an analysis of the loan business in Shanghai]2002Journal articleZeng, XianmingJapaneseeconomy; finance; bank
1756"On Their Dress They Wore a Body: Fashion and Identity in Late Qing"2003Journal articleZamperini, PaolaEnglishculture; women; social
3163"Sheng Xuanhuai jiachan ji qi jiegou. Jiyu 1920 nian Sheng shi yichan qingli jieguo de fenxi" 盛宣怀家产及其结构——基于1920年盛氏遗产清理结果的分析 (Sheng Xuanhuai family property and its structure. An analysis based on the results of the settling of Sheng's inheritance)2014Journal articleYun, Yan 云妍Chineseeconomic; social
3022Feng ren ji yu Shanghai she hui bian qian 縫紉機與上海社會變遷   (Sewing machines and social change in modern Shanghai)2011Journal articleYuan, Rong 袁 榮Chinesesocial; economic; industry
1724"Gongbuju yu shanghai luzheng" 工部局与上海路政 (The Shanghai Municipal Council and road policy)1989Journal articleYuan Xieming 袁燮铭Chineseurban; Bund; space
628Shanghai: 1862 nian 上海 1862 年 (Shanghai: 1862)1991BookYu, Xingmin 于醒民Chinesesocial; political
4388"Shanghai guoji lianjie zhi yi kaiguan: xiren yu hucheng tonghai hangdao anquan zhishi de jiangou yu shijian" 上海國際連結之一開端:西人與滬城通海航道安全知識的建構與實踐(1843-1858)(The Building of Shanghai’s Early International Links: Westerners’ Hydrographic Surveys and Navigational Facilities between the Yangtze River Mouth and Shanghai, 1843-1858)2021Journal articleYu Po-ching 游博清 [You Boqing]Chineseport; harbor; infrastructure; shipping; navigation; safety; shipwreck; survey; Yangzi River; Huangpu River
627“The Green Gang Nexus in Shanghai (1924-1927)”1993Journal articleYoon, SeungjooEnglishsocial; labor; political
2243"Zhaoshangju binggou maishang qichang lunchuan an yu "shangzhan lun"" (The takeover of the Russel Shipping Co. by the China Merchants Steamship Co. and the "Commercial War discourse" 招商局并购美商旗昌轮船案与“商战论”2009Journal articleYi, Huili 易惠莉Chinese
626“Yibaliuer nian riben qianwan wan fang hu wushi bi xia de zhongguo shishen kaocha” [Japanese samurais' records on the Chinese gentry during a visit to Shanghai on the Chitosei Maru in 1862]2004Journal articleYi, HuiliChineseforeigners; economy
623“Corporate Space, Communal Time: Everyday Life in Shanghai's Bank of China”1995Journal articleYeh, Wen-hsinEnglishsocial; economy
624“Educating Young Radicals: Shanghai University, 1922-1927”1991Journal articleYeh, Wen-hsinEnglishpolitical; culture
625“Shanghai Modernity: Commerce and Culture in A Republican City”1997Journal articleYeh, Wen-hsinEnglishsocial; culture; economy
619“A Public Love Affair or a Nasty Game? The Chinese Tabloid Newspaper and the Rise of the Opera Singer As Star”2003Journal articleYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishculture; press
620“Reinventing Ritual: Late Qing Handbooks For Proper Customer Behavior in Shanghai Courtesan Houses”1998Journal articleYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishculture
621“The Life-Style of Four Wenren in Late Qing Shanghai”1997Journal articleYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishculture
622“Where Is the Center of Cultural Production? The Rise of the Actor to National Stardom and the Beijing/Shanghai Challenge (1860s-1910s)”2004Journal articleYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishculture
1640“Representing the City: Shanghai and its Maps” 2001Book chapterYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishsocial; visual
2044"Shanghai leisure, print entertainment and the tabloids xiaobao 小報"2005Book chapterYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishcultural; culture; press
2097“Creating a Shanghai Identity --Late Qing Courtesan Handbooks and the Formation of the New Citizen “1996Book chapterYeh, Catherine VanceEnglishcultural; social; urban
1985The Alienated Academy. Culture and Politics in Republican China1990BookYeh Wen-hsinEnglishculture; political; social; education
1670"The 2 1/2% margin: Britain's Shanghai Traders and China's Resilience in the Face of Commercial Penetration1988Journal articleYearley, Clifton K. and MacPherson, Kerrie L.Englisheconomy; foreigners; trade
3006"Wangluo, paixi, liyi: wan qing lü hu tongxiang wenren qunti zhengzhi huodong yanjiu" 網絡,派系, 利益: 晚清旅滬同鄉文人群體政治活研究 (Networks, cliques, interests: a study of collective political action by fellow literati in late Qing Shanghai)2011Journal articleYe, Zhou 葉 舟Chinesepolitical; social
3095Yi ge shanghai dagong qingnian de richang shenghuo (1947-1948)  一個上海打工青年的日常生活  (The daily life of a young migrant worker in Shanghai)2012Journal articleYe, Zhou 葉 舟Chinesesocial; labor; worker; migrant; migration
3016"Shanghai de fangzhi nügong shenghuo" 上海的紡織女工生活  (The life of textile mill female workers)2011Journal articleYe, Xiubao 葉秀寶Chineseindustry; labor; worker; social; factory; plant
617The Dianshizhai Pictorial: Shanghai Urban Life, 1884-18982003BookYe, XiaoqingEnglishculture; press
2073"Cong zhishi tizhi zhongxin zou xiang ziyou meiti shichang -- 'Xinyuepai' wenren zai shanghai" 從知識體制中心走向自由媒體市場 --'新月派'在上海(From center of intellectual system to free media market -- The 'New Moon School' literati in Shanghai)2008Journal articleYe Zhongqiang 葉中強Chinesecultural; culture
616“Reconstructing the vanished musical life of the Shanghai Jewish diaspora: a report”2004Journal articleYating, Tang; DreyfusEnglishculture
2252"Shenbao yu jindai shanghai juchang (Shen Bao and Modern Theaters in Shanghai) 《申报》与近代上海剧场2004Journal articleYao, Xiaoou 姚小鸥Unknownculture; social; entertainment; leisure; pdf
615“Dangerous Disease, Dangerous Women: Health, Anxiety and Advertising in Shanghai from 1928 to 1937”2004Journal articleYang, Cui; Southwell, Brian G.Englishculture; press; health
978Binfen Shanghai: "Dagongbao" jizhe xie shanghai / 缤纷上海: “大公报” 记者写上海 (Colourful Shanghai)2003BookYang Zukun (ed.) 样祖坤Chineseculture; press
614Lao hua shanghai fazujie (Reminiscences about the French Concession of Shanghai)1994BookYang YaoshenChinesesources
8The Stories of Classic Houses1999BookYang JiayouChinesespace; architecture; photographs; visual;
893Enpera zu batsude no Yun Bongiru : Shanhai kōnichi sensō to Kankoku dokuritsu undō / 4月29日の尹奉吉 : 上海抗日戦争と韓国独立運動1998BookYamaguchi, Takashi 山口隆Japanesewar; foreigners; political
915Ōrudo shanhai ahen jijō / オールド上海阿片事情1995BookYamada, Gōichi 山田豪一Japanesepolitical; social
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