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Full referenceDing, Yonghua 丁 勇 华,  Lü, Jiahang 吕 佳 航, "Shilun 1920-1930 niandai shanghai tonggong wenti" 试论1920 、1930 年代上海童工问题 (On Child Labor in Shanghai 1920s~1930s) (2008)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Ding, Yonghua 丁 勇 华,  Lü, Jiahang 吕 佳 航
Title"Shilun 1920-1930 niandai shanghai tonggong wenti" 试论1920 、1930 年代上海童工问题 (On Child Labor in Shanghai 1920s~1930s)
JournalShanghai daxue xuebao 上海大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Shanghai University (Social Sciences)
Start page91
End page98
Keywordssocial; economic; child
Abstract20世纪2030年代上海各工厂普遍存在着雇佣童工现象,童工人数多、年龄小、生存状况恶劣。童工问题的产生有着多方面的原因,当时的社会虽然予以关注,但一直没有从根本上解决。童工问题给当时上海社会带来很大的负面影响,在一定程度上影响了上海的现代化进程。 It was common in 1920s and 1930s to employ child labor in Shanghai,and lots of child labor was at younger age and in a worse living condition.The phenomenon to child labor reflects then social conditions: the government failed in eradicating it.The fact of child labor brought side effects,and affected to some extent the process of modernity in Shanghai.
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