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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Shanghai Land Regulations
City Guides, and descriptions of Tientsin, Shanghai, Peking, Hangschow, Tsinan, Hongkong, Tsingtao, Canton, Nanking1924
Shanghai te bie shi shi zheng tong ji gai yao zhonghua min guo shi liu nian du 上海特别市市政统计概要中华民国十六年度1927
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南 (Guide to Shanghai)1980
A guide to Catholic Shanghai1937
Dian shi zhai hua bao quan ji 點石齋畫報全集1910
Shanghai political & economic reports, 1842-1943 [Vol. 13 1921-1924]2008This collection of primary documents, establishes a comprehensive series of despatches, in the main from the British consul in Shanghai to the British ambassador to China based usually in Peking, but in the 1930s based in Shanghai itself. The form and extent of communications vary during the period, and include annual reports and trade returns, judicial reviews, despatches on topics of interest and telegrams on urgent matters. After 1920 series of quarterly political reports and six-monthly intelligence summaries are initiated, and some other irregular periodic reports emerge. There is regular information on the government of the Settlement, and reports on the opium trade; there are extended reports, in 1856, on the continuing Taiping Rebellion, and later, reports on the Sino-Japanese war over the control of Korea; from 1901-11 reports include: the Boxer Rebellion; commentary on the French settlement; anti-government conspirators in Shanghai; the Russo-Japanese war; the Shanghai tramway system; the bubonic plague in Shanghai; the Chinese revolution of 1911-12; British intelligence reports on German activities, 1914-18; and in the mid-1920s telegrams reflect the impact of the civil war in China, and report “the Shanghai incident”. The collection of documents ends with the winding up of the Settlement under wartime Japanese occupation, and numerous papers in 1942 carry discussion of this conclusion.
Illustrated guide of Shanghai 19331933
Shanghai Volunteer Corps Centenary Dinner held at The Royal hong Kong Yacht Club on Fiday, 2nd April 19541954Programme of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps Centenary Dinner, including list of SVC Commandants, moblizations, brief history, menu, Roll of Members, plan of the Battle of Muddy Flat, and text of 'Maloo Memoires'.
Zhongguo gu jin di ming da ci dian 中國古今地名大辭典1931
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南1957
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南1980
Report for the year 1941 and budget for the year 1942 - Shanghai Municipal Council1942

The Report for the Year.. is the annual report by the municipal administration of the International Settlement (Shanghai Municipal Council). It contains the reports by the various municipal departments and committees.

Shanghai Municipal Council censuses, 1865-1942

Photocopies of published census results for all but two censuses held by the SMC between 1865 and 1942. The exceptions are 1870, and 1890, but the core data for those years was published for comparative purposes in 1876 and 1895. These are scans of medium-quality working photocopies of originals from the SMC Annual Reports, SMC Municipal Gazette, or pamphlets. Book marks in the PDF will guide you to each invdidual census. Although these are International Settlement surveys, they also often contain data for comparative purposes from the French concession, and surrounding Chinese administered suburbs. No census was held in 1940.

Dian shi zhai hua bao 點石齋畫報 [Part I] 1884

The Dianshizhai huabao 點石齋畫報 "Illustrated Lithographer" was an illustrated magazine that achieved great attention in the late 19th century because it was produced on a lithographic basis, which made it possible to reach a large public. The name is derived from a building within the complex of the Shenbao Publishing House 申報館 in Shanghai where lithographic prints could be produced. Publisher of the "Illustrated Lithographer" was the British Ernest Major (1841-1908, Chinese name Meicha 美查) who also published the famous newpaper Shenbao 申報 "Shanghai News". The first issue of the Dianshizhai huabao was published on May 8, 1884 in Shanghai, the last issue came out in 1898. There were in total 528 issues (according to a lower estimation, 473 issues) including more than 4,600 illustrations. The magazine appeared on a ten-day basis (xunkan 旬刊). Each issue had the same format containing eight pages with 8 illustrations. Collectors could then assemble each issue in a traditional thread-bound booklet. The issues were numbered according to the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, musical notes and the so-called Six Arts. It was sold separately or was given as a free supplement to subscribers of the newspaper Shenbao. [Source:]

Dian shi zhai hua bao 點石齋畫報 [Part II] 1884

Volumes for 1884-1889.

The Dianshizhai huabao 點石齋畫報 "Illustrated Lithographer" was an illustrated magazine that achieved great attention in the late 19th century because it was produced on a lithographic basis, which made it possible to reach a large public. The name is derived from a building within the complex of the Shenbao Publishing House 申報館 in Shanghai where lithographic prints could be produced. Publisher of the "Illustrated Lithographer" was the British Ernest Major (1841-1908, Chinese name Meicha 美查) who also published the famous newpaper Shenbao 申報 "Shanghai News". The first issue of the Dianshizhai huabao was published on May 8, 1884 in Shanghai, the last issue came out in 1898. There were in total 528 issues (according to a lower estimation, 473 issues) including more than 4,600 illustrations. The magazine appeared on a ten-day basis (xunkan 旬刊). Each issue had the same format containing eight pages with 8 illustrations. Collectors could then assemble each issue in a traditional thread-bound booklet. The issues were numbered according to the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, musical notes and the so-called Six Arts. It was sold separately or was given as a free supplement to subscribers of the newspaper Shenbao. [Source:]

Zhong Ying Fa wai jiao ci dian 中英法外交詞典 民國14年1969
Shanghai jin rong ye gai lan 上海金融业概览1947
Shanghai fa zheng xue yuan yi lan 上海法政学院一览1933
Zhong ri shang hai ting zhan ji ri fang che jun xie ding 中日上海停战及日方撤军协定1932
Gai zeng zui jin Shanghai jin rong shi fu kan 改增最近上海金融史附刊1926
Yi jiu san san nian zhi Shanghai jiao yu 1933年之上海教育1934
Shanghai sheng ji lue 上海胜迹略1948
Shanghai kang ri xue zhan shi 上海抗战血战史1932
Shanghai zu jie de hei mu 上海租界的黑幕1933
Shanghai te bie shi nei hua fa shui dian jiao she hui bian 上海特别市内华法水电交涉汇编1929
Shanghai shi bao kan tu shu guan zhong wen qi kan mu lu 上海市报刊图书馆中文期刊目录 1881-19491958
Shanghai tu shu guan guan cang Zhong wen bao zhi mu lu, 1862-1949 上海图书馆馆藏中文报纸目录 1862-19491982
Tai ping jun san da Shanghai 太平军三打上海1959
Shanghai kai fu chu qi dui wai mao yi yan jiu 上海开埠初期对外贸易研究(1843—1863年)1961
Shanghai she ying yi shu zhan lan hui zuo pin xuan ji 上海摄影艺术展览会作品选集1960
Shanghai "ren min gong she wan sui" tu pian zhan lan zuo pin xuan ji 上海“人民公社万岁”图片展览作品选集1960
Shanghai gong ren she ying zuo pin xuan 上海工人摄影作品选1958
Shanghai she ying yi shu zuo pin xuan 上海摄影艺术作品选1974
Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she tu shu zong mu 上海人民美术出版社图书总目 (1952-1958)1958
Shanghai fang zhi zi liao kao lu 上海方志资料考录 1963
Shanghai xiao dao hui qi yi de gu shi 上海小刀会起义的故事 1959
The Celebration of Her Britannic Majesty's Diamond Jubilee at Shanghai : Tuesday, the 22nd of June 18971897
Four months of war; a pen and picture record of the hostilities between Japan and China in an around Shanghai, from August 9th till December 20th, 1937, from the press of the North-China Daily News1937
Wadachi no ato : Shina jihen jūgun kinen shashin shō shanhai yori gishō made 轍蹟 : 支那事変従軍記念写真抄上海より宜昌まで 1942
Zhongguo binyiguan yiji gufen youxian gongsi gaiyao 中國殯儀館儀記股份有限公司概要1933

Advertising prospectus of the China Funeral Directors.

A month of reign of terror in Shanghai. What the foreigners see, say, and think from January 28 to February 27, 19321932
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南 A Chinese Directory of the Port1930
Building Shanghai: The Story of China's Gateway2013 Edward Denison; Guang Yu Ren
Poster on tax revision in the French Concession1899Administration municipale de la Concession française de Shanghai - A. Bottu - M. Tillot - Bezaure
Shanhai keizai chōsadan hōkokusho 上海経済調查団報告書 1938Aichiken Tōa Yushutsu Kumiai 愛知県東亜輸出組合
Qing dai Shanghai sha chuan hang yun ye shi yan jiu 清代上海沙船航运业史研究2012Akira Matsuura 松浦章
Meinen Mitarbeitern in Peking zur freundlichen Erinnerung an ihren Chef1902Alfons Mumm, von.
Zhongguo de fu nü yu cai chan 中国的妇女与财产2003Bai,Kai 白凯
Baukunst und Landschaft in China: eine Reise durch zwölf Provinzen1923Boerschmann, Ernst
De Pékin à Shanghaï, souvenirs de voyages1871Buissonnet, Eugène
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
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