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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Streets of Shanghai. A history in itself1941Gordon, A. H.
Shanghai lao gong tong ji (1930-1937) 上海劳工统计 (Labour statistics in Shanghai)1938Guo ji lao gong ju zhong guo fen ju 国际劳工局中国分局编 (International Labor Office, China Branch)
Shanghai Land Regulations
Shanghai shi di jia yan jiu 上海市地价研究1935Zhang, Hui 张辉
Shanghai Tong Shi 上海通史 - Dao Lun 导论1999Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之
Shanghai zhi qian zhuang 上海之钱庄1929Li, Quanshi 李权实
Shanghai tu shu guan guan cang zhong wen bao zhi mu lu 上海图书馆馆藏中文报纸目录1982Shanghai tu shu guan 上海图书馆
Shanghai te bie shi shi zheng tong ji gai yao zhonghua min guo shi liu nian du 上海特别市市政统计概要中华民国十六年度1927
Shanghai dui wai mao yi 1840-1949 上海对外贸易(1840-1949)1989Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan jing ji yan jiu suo 上海社会科学院经济研究所
Shanghai xian hua 上海闲话1989Yao, Gonghe 姚公鹤
Shanghai gong gong zu jie shi gao 上海公共租界史稿1980Kuai, Shixun 蒯世勋
Shanghai chan ye yu Shanghai zhi gong 上海产业与上海职工1984Zhu, Bangxing 朱邦兴; Hu, Linge 胡林阁; Xu, Sheng 徐声
Shanghai zu jie lue shi 上海租界略史1931Zhang, Qunshu 张群署
Shanghai shi ren zhi 上海時人志1947Ru, Xin 茹新
Shanghai 上海1932Wei, Xiyu 韋息予
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南 (Guide to Shanghai)1980
Shanghai Shi 上海史1988Tang, Zhenchang 唐振常
Shanghai shi di li yan ge 上海市地理沿革1989Zhu, Peng 祝鹏
Sketches in and around Shanghai1894Clark, J. D.
Shanghai she hui yan jiu zhi bei jing 上海社會研究的背景1929Wang, Jichang 王際昌; Luo, Zhiru 羅志儒
Shanghai political & economic reports, 1842-1943 [Vol. 13 1921-1924]2008This collection of primary documents, establishes a comprehensive series of despatches, in the main from the British consul in Shanghai to the British ambassador to China based usually in Peking, but in the 1930s based in Shanghai itself. The form and extent of communications vary during the period, and include annual reports and trade returns, judicial reviews, despatches on topics of interest and telegrams on urgent matters. After 1920 series of quarterly political reports and six-monthly intelligence summaries are initiated, and some other irregular periodic reports emerge. There is regular information on the government of the Settlement, and reports on the opium trade; there are extended reports, in 1856, on the continuing Taiping Rebellion, and later, reports on the Sino-Japanese war over the control of Korea; from 1901-11 reports include: the Boxer Rebellion; commentary on the French settlement; anti-government conspirators in Shanghai; the Russo-Japanese war; the Shanghai tramway system; the bubonic plague in Shanghai; the Chinese revolution of 1911-12; British intelligence reports on German activities, 1914-18; and in the mid-1920s telegrams reflect the impact of the civil war in China, and report “the Shanghai incident”. The collection of documents ends with the winding up of the Settlement under wartime Japanese occupation, and numerous papers in 1942 carry discussion of this conclusion.
Shanghai. A handbook for travellers and residents [1904]1904Darwent, Charles Ewart (Rev.)
Shanghai. A handbook for travellers and residents [1920]1920Darwent, Charles Ewart (Rev.)
Shanghai Volunteer Corps Centenary Dinner held at The Royal hong Kong Yacht Club on Fiday, 2nd April 19541954Programme of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps Centenary Dinner, including list of SVC Commandants, moblizations, brief history, menu, Roll of Members, plan of the Battle of Muddy Flat, and text of 'Maloo Memoires'.
Shanhai sokai ni okeru bunka katsudō no jōkyō 2 上海租界に於ける文化活動の状況(二) (The state of cultural activities in the Shanghai settlements)1941Shisei kenkyūkai 上海市政研究會
Shanghai tan di ming zhang gu 上海灘地名掌故1994Xue, Liyong 薛理勇
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南1957
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南1980
Shanghai zhi nan 上海指南 Guide to Shanghai. A Chinese directory of the port1920Shang wu yin shu guan bian ji suo 商務印書館編輯所
Shanghai in transition : changing perspectives and social contours of a Chinese metropolis2003Gamble, Jos
Shanghai Municipal Council censuses, 1865-1942

Photocopies of published census results for all but two censuses held by the SMC between 1865 and 1942. The exceptions are 1870, and 1890, but the core data for those years was published for comparative purposes in 1876 and 1895. These are scans of medium-quality working photocopies of originals from the SMC Annual Reports, SMC Municipal Gazette, or pamphlets. Book marks in the PDF will guide you to each invdidual census. Although these are International Settlement surveys, they also often contain data for comparative purposes from the French concession, and surrounding Chinese administered suburbs. No census was held in 1940.

Shanghai zhi gong yong shi ye 上海之公用事業. 1949Zhao, Zengjue 趙曾珏
Shanghai jiading nanhui fengxian deng si xian gai zheng di jia shui zhi yan jiu 上海嘉定南匯奉賢等四縣改徵地價稅之研究 1936Xiang, Siyuan 向思遠
Shanghai Shi zhi gong zi lü 上海市之工資率 (Wage rates in Shanghai)1935Shanghai shi she hui ju 上海市政府社會局 Bureau of Social Affairs
Shanghai shi fang zu zhi yan jiu 上海市房租之研究 1933Wang, Weizu 王慰祖
Shanghai shi nian jian 上海市年鑒1935Shanghai Shi Tongzhiguan 上海市通志館
Shanghai shi nian jian 上海市年鑒1937Shanghai shi tongzhiguan 上海市通志館
Shanghai shi nian jian 上海市年鑒1936Shanghai shi tongzhiguan 上海市通志館
Shanghai shi nian jian 上海市年鑒1946Shanghai shi tongzhiguan nianjian weiyuanhui 上海市通志館年鑒委員會
Shanghai shi nian jian 上海市年鑒1947Shanghai shi wenxian weiyuanhui 上海市文獻文員會
Shanghai dao qi 上海道契 1997Cai, Yutian 蔡育天; Sang, Ronglin 桑榮林; Lu, Wenda 陸文達
Shanghai dao qi 上海道契 1997Cai, Yutian 蔡育天; Sang, Ronglin 桑榮林; Lu, Wenda 陸文達
Shanghai shi tong ji 上海市統計 Statistics of Shanghai1933Shanghai Shi di fang xie hui 上海市地方協會編輯
Shanghai jin rong ye gai lan 上海金融业概览1947
Shanghai fa zheng xue yuan yi lan 上海法政学院一览1933
San shi nian lai zhi Shanghai. Xu ji 三十年来之上海续集1947Zheng, Yimei 鄭逸梅; Qian Huafo 錢化佛
Shanghai sheng ji lue 上海胜迹略1948
Shanghai zhu zhi ci 上海竹枝词1925Liu, Huogong 劉豁公
Shanghai kang ri xue zhan shi 上海抗战血战史1932
Shanghai zu jie de hei mu 上海租界的黑幕1933
Shanghai zhi nong ye 上海之農業1933Shanghai she hui ju 上海市社會局
Shanghai te bie shi shi zheng tong ji gai yao 上海特别市市政统计概要1927Shanghai te bie shi zheng fu mi shu chu 上海特別市政府秘書處
Shanghai te bie shi gong wu ju ye wu bao gao 上海特别市工務局業務報告 民國16年 7月至 12月 1928Shanghai te bie shi gong wu ju 上海特别市工務局
Shanghai shang shi guan li 上海商事惯例1933Yan, Esheng 嚴諤聲
Shanghai shi gong yong ju xing zheng guan li shi kuang 上海市公用局行政管理实况1931Shang hai shi gong yong ju 上海市公用局
Shanghai te bie shi nei hua fa shui dian jiao she hui bian 上海特别市内华法水电交涉汇编1929
Shanghai shi lao zi jiu fen tong ji 上海市勞資糾紛統計 Industrial disputes (not including strikes and lockouts) Greater Shanghai, 19301932Shanghai shi zheng fu she hui ju 上海市政府社會局
Shanghai shi wu shi yi ye gong chang lao gong tong ji 上海市五十一业工厂劳工统计1948Shang hai shi lao zi ping duan wei yuan hui 上海市勞資評斷委員會編
Shanghai kang zhan quan shi. Di 1 bian 上海抗战全史 第一编1937Han, Lu 憾盧
Shanghai shi bao kan tu shu guan zhong wen qi kan mu lu 上海市报刊图书馆中文期刊目录 1881-19491958
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