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TitleList of industrial concerns in the Settlement together with an appendix showing factories on extra-settlement roads and containing statistics of normal complements of workers (classified according to police districts)
Book ID54
Author(s)Shanghai Municipal Police, Special Branch
Publication typeManuscript
Number of pages102
AbstractThis document is a survey of all 'industrial concerns' in the International Settlement of Shanghai in August 1939. Altogether, it represents 1,696 firms listed by police district and street name and number. The survey includes the following items: name (in English and Chinese), address, nationality, and number of workers. This data were processed through an Excel file, with all necessary corrections. We were able to locate xxxx factories (%) which served as the basis for cartographic work. All statistical work was based on the whole sample.
CommentsSource: SMA U1-16-2105 Attached file below  "U1-16-2105_1939"
Source: SMA U1-14-598 Attached file below "U1-14-598_1939"

The content of the two files is exactly the same, but the "Industry_IS_1939" is much clearer. Another copy of the same document can be found under "U1-14-598_1939" at the Shanghai Municipal Archives (SMA).
Keywords (en)industry; economics; settlement; foreign
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