| Document ID   | Original title   | Year   | Year range   | Transliteration   |

| 795 | Distribution of Chinese and Japanese forces on the eve of the January 28, 1932 attack | 2010 | | |

| 1648 | The August-September bombings of civilians in Shanghai | 2012 | | |

| 1650 | Land values in Shanghai (1933-1934) | 1933 | | |

| 1653 | Shanghai Municipal properties (1933-1934) | 1933 | | |

| 1654 | Missionary land properties(1933-1934) | | 1933-1934 | |

| 1655 | Land properties of the E.D. Sassoon Company (1933-1934) | | 1933-1934 | |

| 1675 | Minhang. limite administrative. | 2011 | | |

| 1686 | Minhang ouest. métro et occupation du sol | 2011 | | |

| 1689 | Minhang. occupation du sol | 2011 | | |

| 1690 | Delta du Yangzi. eau et axes routiers | 2011 | | |

| 1691 | Delta du Yangzi, eau et axes routiers | 2011 | | |

| 1692 | Shanghai, eau et axes routiers | 2011 | | |

| 1693 | Shanghai, eau | 2011 | | |

| 1694 | Shanghai, infrastructures de mobilité | 2011 | | |

| 1695 | Shanghai, infrastructures de mobilité et routes secondaires | 2011 | | |

| 1696 | Shanghai,emprise urbaine | 2011 | | |

| 1697 | Shanghai, routes principales et emprise urbaine | 2011 | | |

| 1698 | Shanghai, routes et emprise urbaine | 2011 | | |

| 1699 | Shanghai, voie ferrée et emprise urbaine | 2011 | | |

| 1700 | Shanghai centre,voie ferrée et emprise urbaine | 2011 | | |

| 1701 | Shanghai, infrastructures de mobilité | 2011 | | |

| 1702 | Shanghai, route, voie ferrée et centre urbain | 2011 | | |

| 1703 | Shanghai, route, aéroport et centre urbain | 2011 | | |

| 1704 | Shanghai, végétation | 2012 | | |

| 1705 | Minhang, métro et route | 2011 | | |

| 1706 | Minhang, activité, métro et route | 2011 | | |

| 1707 | Minhang, habitat, métro et route | 2011 | | |

| 1708 | Minhang, espace vert | 2011 | | |

| 1709 | Minhang ouest, métro et route | 2011 | | |

| 1710 | Minhang ouest, habitat nouveau et ancien, métro, route | 2011 | | |

| 1711 | Minhang ouest, activité | 2011 | | |

| 1712 | Shanghai centre, zones d'activités d'industries créatives | 1982 | | |

| 1713 | Shanghai centre, zones d'activités et pôles d'industries créatives | 2009 | | |

| 1714 | Shanghai centre, sites d'industries créatives | 2009 | | |

| 1715 | Shanghai centre, surfaces d'industries créatives | 2009 | | |

| 1716 | Shanghai centre, sites d'industries créatives | 2011 | | |

| 1734 | Land use in the urban area (1973) | 2012 | | |

| 1735 | Land use in the urban area (2012) | 2012 | | |

| 1736 | Land use in the urban area (1982) | 2012 | | |

| 1737 | Land use in the urban area (1997) | 2012 | | |

| 1738 | Land use in the urban area (2003) | 2012 | | |

| 1739 | The distribution of towns and villages around Shanghai in 1932 | | | |

| 1740 | Urban extension and the disappearance of villages around Shanghai (1932-2012) | 2012 | | |

| 1741 | The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s | 2012 | | |

| 1742 | The distribution of hutments and factories in the late 1940s | 2012 | | |

| 1743 | The distribution of factories and workshops in 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1744 | The distribution of factories and workshops in 1947 (250-meter grid) | 2012 | | |

| 1745 | The density of industrial concerns in the Shanghai urban area (1947) | 2012 | | |

| 1746 | The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s | 2012 | | |

| 1747 | Capital value of industrial concerns in 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1748 | Distribution of the factories and workshops with capital under US$100 | 2012 | | |

| 1749 | The distribution of industrial workforce in 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1750 | Distribution and typology of the factories above 1,000 workers | 2012 | | |

| 1751 | "Industrial streets" in 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1752 | The top largest factories by capital (above US$150,000) and workforce (above 1,000 workers) | 2012 | | |

| 1753 | The chemical industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1754 | The food industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1755 | The machinery manufacturing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1756 | The printing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 1947 | 2012 | | |

| 1757 | The cotton industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 1947 | 2012 | | |