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Document ID Original title Year Year range Transliteration 

210公共租界西區圖1929Gonggong zujie xiqu tu

211法租界及城內圖1929Fazujie ji cheng nei tu

212南市圖1929Nanshi tu

213公共租界東區圖1929Gonggong zujie dongqu tu

214法新租界圖1929Fa xin zujie tu

215上海公共租界圖 (東部左)1941Shanhai kyōdō sokai zu (tōbu)

216上海公共租界圖 (東部右)1941Shanhai kyōdō sokai zu (dōbu)

217法華鎮1932Fahua zhen

218大場鎮1932Dachang zhen

219劉家行1932Liujia hang





224莘莊鎮1932Xinzhuang zhen

225Shanghai (in Russian)1973

227上海导游图1983Shanghai daoyou tu

229最新上海市街圖1941Zui xin Shanghai shi jie tu

230Shanghai tramways1939

231Shanghai Municipal Police map: Hongkew District1934
232Map of Shanghai : Supplement to "City directory of Shanghai"1932?

233General map showing the district around and the approaches to Shanghai1920
234Map of Shanghai1913
236Map of the Whangpoo and surrounding districts1923(Huangpu jiang quan tu)

237上海公共租界圖 (西部)1941Shanhai kyōdō sokai zu (saibu)

242上海市街圖1932Shanghai shijie tu

243Plan cadastral, blocs 1 à 2701931

245最新上海地圖1932Saishin Shanhai chizu


247Map of Shanghai1930-1939

248新上海街道詳圖1954Xin shanghai jiedao xiangtu

249上海市市区图1956Shanghai shi shiqu tu

250上海市市区图1959Shanghai shi shiqu tu

251上海市全图1959Shanghai shi quan tu

255New Map of Shanghai1945

259上海新地圖1927Shanghai xin ditu - Shanhai shin chizu

260實測上海城廂租界圖1910Shice Shanghai chengxiang zujie tu

261上海縣城廂租界全圖1884Shanghai xian chengxiang zujie quan tu

262上海城區圖2003Shanghai chengqu tu

264上海特別市公安局警區圖1928Shanghai tebie shi gong'anju jingqu tu

268上海地図。 北部及東部1933Shanhai chizu. Hokubu oyobi tōbu.

269最新上海地図1908Saishin Shanhai chizu

271Street Plan of the Northern & Eastern Districts of the Foreign Settlement at Shanghai1926

272Street Plan of the Foreign Settlement (Central District) & French Settlement at Shanghai1926

274Initial position of Japanese and Chinese troops in August 19372006Initial position of Japanese and Chinese troops in August 1937

275最新上海市街圖1937Shanghai shijie ditu

292Population Density in the Foreign Settlements before August 19372006Density of Population in the Foreign Settlements before August 1937

293Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1937)2006Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1937)

294Bombed and Destroyed Areas in August-October 193720062006 - 2014Bombed and Destroyed Areas in August-October 1937

295Bridges over Soochow Creek in 19372006Bridges over Soochow Creek in 1937

296The Defense Wall of the French Concession in 19372006The Defense Wall of the French Concession in 1937

297Destroyed Areas in August-October 193720062006 - 2014Destroyed Areas in August-October 1937

298Shanghai Foreign Settlements in 19372006Shanghai Foreign Settlements in 1937

299Location of Major Bombings in August-October 19372006Location of Major Bombings in August-October 1937

300The City of Shanghai in 19372006The City of Shanghai in 1937

301Population Density in the Foreign Settlements after August 19372006Population Density in the Foreign Settlements after August 1937

302Population Movements in 19372006Population Movements in 1937

303Refugee Camps in 19372006Refugee Camps in 1937

304上海外環城區圖2001Shanghai waihuan chengqu tu
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