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Title Date Author 
近代上海法租界之地籍研究(1849-1943)October, 2012牟振宇
抗战时期上海“虹桥——徐家汇军事区”研究(1937-1940)Kangzhan shiqi shanghai 'hongqiao-xujiahui junshiqu' yanjiu (1937-1940)Mars 2015Jiang Jie 蒋杰
上海租界内电影院空间分布的演变过程及原因探析(1919-1943)2016Zhao Weiqing 赵伟清
上海租界公墓研究(1844—1949年)2007Christian Henriot 安克強
“Kongjian yinsu yu kangzhan shiqi shanghai daqiang fanzui——ji yu GIS de fazuijie anli yanjiu (1938-1942)” 空间因素与抗战时期上海盗抢犯罪——基于GIS的法租界案例研究 (1938-1942) Juin 2013JIANG Jie 蒋杰
“Difang jingying yu diyuan niudai: lun shanghai de nankin jiuyuan(1937-1940)” 地方精英与地缘纽带:论上海的难民救援(1937-1940)Mars 2015Feng Yi (Jiang Jie, trans.)
‘Invisible Deaths, Silent Deaths’. ‘Bodies Without Masters’ in Republican Shanghai2009Christian Henriot
Wartime Shanghai Refugees: Chaos, Exclusion, and Indignity. Do Images Make up for the Lack of Memory?October 2006Christian Henriot
Using cadastral maps in historical GIS research: The French Concession in Shanghai (1931-1941)June, 2012Zhenyu Mou
The Shanghai Bund: A History through Visual SourcesJune 2007Christian Henriot - Matthew Woodbury (assistant)
The Colonial Space of Death in Shanghai (1844-1949)2007Christian Henriot
Straddling three eras: Shanghai’s hutments between rejection and remodeling (1926-1965)2010Christian Henriot
Shanghai industries in the Civil War period (1945-1947)9 January 2014Christian Henriot
Shanghai in Post-1949 Maps: Secrets, Lies, and Urban Icons2009Christian Henriot
Shanghai and the experience of war: The refugee problem2006Christian Henriot
Owners, renters, and historians. Connecting modern Shanghai history 2011Christian Henriot
Foreign-administered Parks in Shanghai: Visual and Spatial Representations of New Forms of Public Open SpacesFebruary 2009Dorothée Rihal
Fiction and the City. A visual and spatial reading of three Shanghai novelsJuly 2008Christian Henriot
August 1937: War and the death en masse of civilians July 2015Christian Henriot
A Neighborhood under the Storm: Zhabei and Shanghai Wars2009Christian Henriot
1937年8月:戰爭與平民的集體死亡 (1937 nian 8 yue: zhanzheng yu pingmin de jiti siwang) July 2015Christian Henriot (安克強) - 汪怡君譯
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