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NameHatherly, Arthur Hume
Family NameHatherly
Given NameArthur Hume
Biographical informationThe descriptions in this collections are taken from the back of photographs and postcards sent by Arthur Hatherly to his family who had returned to England in 1935.  Many of the photographs were taken by Arthur, others were postcards or on postcard paper.  Where dates are given they are generally October 1937.

Arthur Atherly was the son of John Rodney Hatherly (1845 - 1939) anf Ellen Hatherly. He had two sisters,  Ethel Louisa and Enid Ellen Hatherly (b. 1890), and one brother George Cyril. Arthur Hatherly disappeared from family knowledge although one window in the Bubbling Well Chapel was dedicated to his memory in 1940.
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Images from this Photographer (6 results)

Bombed building in 1937

British General Consulate

Bubbling Well Road and China United Apartments

Central Post Office along Soochow Creek

Signal and semaphore tower at the junction of the foreign settlements

Transportation boats on Soochow Creek
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