64 documents
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NameKarl Kengelbacher
Family NameKengelbacher
Given NameKarl
Field of ActivityBusiness
Date of birth1895
Place of birthSt. Gallen-Bruggen, Switzerland
Date of death1981
Place of deathCalifornia, United States
Biographical informationKarl Kengelbacher was born in Saint Gallen-Bruggen in Switzerland in 1895. He was the third of the four sons (Fritz, August, Karl and Emil) born to Fritz Kengelbacher-Müller. All four sons emigrated to different parts of the world: August to China, then Japan (1917-1946); Karl to Shanghai (1921) where his older brother Fritz joined him one year later. The younger brother, Emil, went to America. Karl Kalgenbacher worked for a pharmaceutical firm. He married a Portuguese lady who gave birth to one son, Charles. In 1949, Karl moved to Hong Kong with his family and from there to America in 1956. He passed away in 1981 in California. The pictures he took during the months of fighting in 1937 remained with his son. Charles Kengelbacher entrusted these photographs to his cousin, Peter Kengelbacher, who digitized them and publicized them on the Internet in 1998 (http://www.japan-guide.com/a/shanghai/).

In 2002, Peter Kengelbacher entrusted Prof. Xiong Yuezhi, director of the Institute of History of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, to bring them back to Shanghai and deposit them in the collections of the library of the institute. Sources: "Curriculum Vitae of August Kengelbacher", private document provided by Peter Kengelbacher; Xiong Yuezhi 熊月之, "Shang wang si nian, yuan zuo 'huan xiang'" 上网四年,原作还乡(Four years on line, the original 'came back home'), Dushu zhoubao 读书周报(Reading Weekly), no. 912, 16 August 2002.

Acknowledgements: The complete set of 101 photographs by Karl Kengelbacher appears on Virtual Shanghai by courtesy of Peter Kengelbacher who accepted to make them available for research. All documents came in high resolution for the use of researchers. On line images are in low resolution. The editor of Virtual Shanghai expresses his gratitude to Peter Kengelbacher for sharing this unique collection of wartime images of Shanghai.
Images from this Photographer (101 results)

A policeman taking care of a wounded Chinese woman

A railless tramway hit by Japanese bombs on Markham Road

American soldiers arriving in Shanghai in 1937

Anti-Tank barricade near the North Railway Station

Armored car in Nanking Road

Arrival of Savoy: Infantrymen from Abessinia

Barbed Wire on the tracks of the North Railway Station

Barricade at the corner of Range and North Kiangse Roads

Barricade under construction near the North Railway Station

Barricades in the Hongkou district: Elgin Road.

Barricades in the Hongkou district: Haining Road.

Barricades near the The Railway Bureau on Boundary Road

Barricades on the Szechuen Road bridge

Bomb hit near the Union Brewery

Bombed building besides the American-British Tobacco Company

Bombed building besides the American-British Tobacco Company

Bombed courtyard and buildings in Zhabei

Bombed façade of the Sincere Department Store

Bombed railway station building

British and French war ships

British soldiers on guard at the Garden Bridge

British soldiers on guard on a sandbag blockhouse

Burned houses in war-torn Zhabei

Burning house across Markham Street

Chinese soldier behind a sandbag blockhouse in Hongqiao

Chinese soldier behind a sandbags in Hongqiao

Chinese soldiers and British Soldiers in Zhabei

Chinese soldiers in Hongqiao

Chinese soldiers in Longhua

Chinese soldiers with machine gun in Longhua

Chinese-made shipping barrier on the Huangpu between Nanshi and Pudong

Civilian victims of the August 14 bombing near the Great World

Close up on Chinese Soldiers and Machine Gun in Longhua

Dead Chinese Soldier in Yangshupu

Dead soldiers

Destroyed house turned into a dugout in Zhabei

Destroyed houses after fighting near Ward Road

Destroyed houses and defense installation in war-torn Zhabei

Destroyed tea shop near Ward Road

Emergency ward for victims of the August 14 bombing

Encoffining of the victims of the August 14 bombing near the Great World

Entrance of the bombed Cathay Hotel

Farmhouse turned into a machine gun post

Father Jacquinot and Telfer-Smollet, chairman of the Chinese International Relief Committee

Firemen fighting a fire in war-torn Zhabei

French patrol checking a truck on Route de Zikawei

General-Major Beaumont (US Marine) and British Officers


Houses on fire near the North Railway Station

Identifying the bodies after the August 14 bombing

Infantrymen from Abessinia

Inside the ruins of the Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company (1) 南洋兄弟煙草公司

Inside the ruins of the Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company (2) 南洋兄弟煙草公司

Japanese soldiers in Nanshi

Members of the Shanghai Volunteers Corps

Members of the Shanghai Volunteers Corps at play

Military barricade on Markham Road

North Railway Station

Physician in the emergency ward for victims of the August 14 bombing

Protection against blasts: Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Protection against blasts: North China Daily News

Pudong on fire by Japanese grenades (1)

Pudong on fire by Japanese grenades (2)

Racecourse in Jiangwan: Stand

Racecourse in Jiangwan: Traces of Bullets on a Wall

Racecourse in Jiangwan: Entrance and Clock Tower

Refugees from the northern districts seeking refuge in the foreign settlements

Refugees in the Jacquinot Safety Zone

Refugees seeking refuge in the International Settlement

Sandbag barricade at the corner of Range and North Kiangse Roads

Sandbag protection against blasts: Chartered Bank

Scene of the bombing between the Palace Hotel and the Cathay Hotel

Shanghai National School for Trade and Industry in Jiangwan (1)

Shanghai National School for Trade and Industry in Jiangwan (2)

Shot-down Chinese aeroplane

Site of the bombing near the Great World

Site of the bombing near the Palace Hotel

The J.S.S. warehouse afire (side view)

The J.S.S. warehouse after its capture by Japanese troops

The J.S.S. warehouse: last stand of the Chinese army in Shanghai

The Longhua Temple hit by Japanese fighters (1)

The Longhua Temple hit by Japanese fighters (2)

The Railway Bureau on Boundary Road on October 28, 1937

The ruins of the Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Factory 南洋兄弟煙草公司

The Sincere Department Store after the August 23rd bombing


Unexploded Bomb

Vietnamese officers of the French Police

View of bombed railway track

View of Broadway street after fighting

View of Nanking Road near the Bombing of the Sincere Department Store

View of Pudong in flames

View of the roofs of war-torn Zhabei

View of war-torn Zhabei (2)

View of war-torn Zhabei (3)

View of war-torn Zhabei (4)

View of Zhabei consumed by fire (1)

View of Zhabei consumed by fire (2)

View of Zhabei consumed by fire (3)

Views of war-torn Zhabei (1)

Wayside street after fighting
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