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Full referenceLou, Chenhao, “Jindai shanghai de jianzhuye yu jianzhushi” [The architectural profession and architects in modern Shanghai] (1992)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Lou, Chenhao
Title“Jindai shanghai de jianzhuye yu jianzhushi” [The architectural profession and architects in modern Shanghai]
JournalShanghai dang’an gongzuo (Shanghai Archival Work)
Start page49
End page54
Keywordsarchitecture; economy
AbstractDiscusses the transition from traditional to modern architecture during the late Qing and early republican periods in Shanghai, the increasing competition between and among foreign construction companies and native Chinese building contractors, and the contribution to the development of modern architecture in Shanghai by Chinese construction workers and Chinese architects, most of whom had received their education abroad and recently returned to China.
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