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Full referenceShi, Kouzhu, Shanghai’s administrative model for private schools during the Republican period (2008)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Shi, Kouzhu
TitleShanghai’s administrative model for private schools during the Republican period
JournalFrontiers of History in China
Start page547
End page568
Keywordseducation; social
AbstractPrivate schools were very prosperous in Shanghai during the Republican period. Shanghai Municipal Educational Bureau adopted a pattern of indirect management, especially attaching importance to normalizing and guiding the mechanism for operating a school by taking the basic measures for the registration administration. Meanwhile, appropriate funding was given to private school so that they could enjoy fair treatment and full confidence. What was more, necessary interventions were made on finances and running a school. Indirect model of managing many private schools dramatically reduced the financial burden on Shanghai municipal public education. It also provided an important prerequisite for urban educational administration to concentrate on macro management system. 民国时期上海私立学校特别繁盛。 上海市教育局对私立学校采取间接맜理的 模式, 尤其注重借助立案맜理的基本手段, 规范和引导其办学行为, 同时给予适当 的经费扶持、 公平待遇和充分信任, 在经济和办学等环节进行必要的干预。 这一맜 理模式大大减轻了上海城市公共教育财政负担, 也为城市教育行政集中精力办理宏 观教育맜理创造了重要的前提。
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