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Full referenceFan, Boqun, The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai : The pioneering work of modern popular fiction (2008)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Fan, Boqun
TitleThe Sing-song Girls of Shanghai : The pioneering work of modern popular fiction
JournalFrontiers of History in China
Start page472
End page490
Keywordsculture; social; cultural; women
AbstractHaishang hua liezhuan is a distinctive marker of the transition from traditional to modern Chinese literature. No matter whether one looks at its choice of subject matter, character depiction, use of language, artistic technique, or even its publication channels, in every aspect this work’s originality shines through, illustrating how Chinese literature, even without the influence of foreign literary trends, also could walk the road towards modernization, because it possessed the innate dynamic towards it. The Haishang hua liezhuan is thus an excellent representative of popular fiction, one which—a quarter century before the emergence of the New Literature Movement—quietly ushered Chinese literature into modernity. 《海上花列传》是中国文学古今转型的一个鲜明的标志。 从题材选择、 人物设置、语言运用、艺术技巧乃至发行渠道, 都显示了它的原创性才能, 也说明了中国文学即使没有外国文学思潮的助力, 也会走上现代化之路, 中国民族文学自身就有这种内在的动力。 《海上花列传》作为通俗小说的优秀代表作比新文学早四分之一世纪就悄悄地为中国文学开拓着现代新垦地。
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