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Full referenceGoodman, Bryna, “Being public: the politics of representation in 1918 Shanghai”, (2000)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Goodman, Bryna
Title“Being public: the politics of representation in 1918 Shanghai”,
JournalHarvard journal of Asiatic studies,
Start page45
End page88
Keywordssocial; culture; press; media;
AbstractExamines how newspapers published in Shanghai during 1918 reflected advocacy of an increased public role in national politics and discusses the significance of this advocacy in the history of early republican China. Many proponents of an increased public role in government expressed themselves during the 1918 institutional reform campaign within the Guang-Zhao gongsuo, or guild, a Shanghai-based association of elite sojourners from Guangzhou and Zhaoqing. The reformers in the gongsuo were critical of the association's bureaucrats and sought new means of electing gongsuo directors. The struggle between conservatives and reformers in the Guang-Zhao association was widely publicized in Shanghai newspapers and incited a debate that not only addressed issues of reform in the gongsuo, but also implied wider questions about national political reform.
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