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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

5Glance at the Bund1933

32746A view of Shanghai in fire at night (Zhabei)

32755Corpses in the street1930-1939

32756Great World bombing: piled up corpses (graphic)

32757Great World bombing: piled up corpses (graphic)

32758Great World bombing: piled up corpses (graphic)

32760Nanking Road bombing

32762Great World bombing: removal of corpses (graphic)

32763Great World bombing: removal of corpses (graphic)

32764Great World bombing: statue in a nearby temple

32769A view of Shanghai in fire at night

32770A view of Shanghai at night

32771A view of Shanghai in fire (Zhabei)

32801Nanking Road bombing: SMP Policeman on rescue

32806Bombed neighborhood in Shanghai

32810A view of the French Park in the French Concession (今復興公園)1937-1940

33251Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army May 1949

33268Aerial view of the confluence of the Huangpu River and Soochow Creek looking west1945
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