65 documents
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NameArchives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Paris)
Repository TypeArchive

Depuis le XVIIe siècle et la création d’un service d’archives à part entière, les papiers produits ou acquis par le ministère des Affaires étrangères sont l’objet de classements et d’inventaires destinés à en permettre l’accès. Entreprendre une recherche dans ces inventaires suppose que l’on prenne en considération le service d’origine des documents décrits, et, en conséquence, la diversification des fonctions et les variations des organigrammes administratifs à travers le temps. Il convient également de se souvenir que la nomenclature et la forme des instruments de recherche sont tributaires d’une méthode qui, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, a très largement évolué pour privilégier in fine un respect rigoureux de l’origine des fonds avant une répartition thématique des documents. L’état général est composé, dans son état actuel, de notices succinctes permettant d’identifier les structures administratives à l’origine des fonds ainsi que les méthodes de classement, informations essentielles et préalable incontournable à une analyse rigoureuse des documents. Pour aller plus loin dans la recherche, les inventaires donnant le détail, article par article, de ces fonds sont, dans certains cas, déjà téléchargeables au format .PDF ou .RTF. Ceux qui ne le sont pas encore sont à demander, en version imprimée ou dactylographiée, dans les salles de lecture de Paris, de Colmar et de Nantes.

Images from this Repository (96 results)

Blockhouse at corner of rue Montigny and Ave Edward VII

Refugees flooding into the French Concession

Review of workers militia in Zhabei in 1927

Workers militia at their headquarters in Zhabei

Fires in Zhabei

Tonkinese [French colonial army] soldier helping an injured Chinese soldier

Iron gate and defense installation in the French Concession

A view of military defense along the Boulevard des Deux Républiques

French soldiers posted around the French Consulate

Japanese military parade in the French Concession

French soldiers posted behind a closed iron gate in the French Concession

Chinese soldiers along the Boulevard des Deux Républiques

A picture of Captain Fiori, Chief of French Police, receiving the croix de Guerre

View of the International Settlement from the French Concession looking northeast

Zhabei on fire during the 1937 hostilities

View of a closed iron gate at the corner of rue Montauban

Civilian victims of the August 14 bombing near the Great World

Center of the intersection near the Great World after the August 14 bombing

Mass grave for the victims of the August 14 bombing near the Great World

Bodies of the victims of the August 14 bombing lined up for identification

Iron gate in the French Concession

Controlled entry into the French Concession

Street scene in the French Concession in August 1937

Iron gate and defense installation in the French Concession

Defense shelter in the French Concession

Police checkpoint in the French Concession

Barbed wire chicane on a bridge leading into the French Concession

Defense shelter in the French Concession

Refugees waiting to boad a ship to leave Shanghai

Refugees on board the Enderta

Refugee camp on Route de Sièyes

Refugee camp on Route de Sièyes

Refugees in the Great World amusement center

Refugee camp in the Ingbo Temple

Refugee camp on Route de Sièyes

View of Chinese districts from Sainte Catherine Bridge

View of a meeting in March 1927

View of a meeting in March 1927

Demonstrating crowd in the Chinese city in 1927

Workers militia in Zhabei

Workers militia in Zhabei

Meeting of workers militia in Zhabei in 1927

Workers militia during exercise

Shandong warlord soldiers evacuating Shanghai in 1927

Women workers coming out of a meeting

A military train from the northern warlord seized by nationalist troops

Military train of the northern warlord seized by the Nationalists troops

Destroyed houses around the North train station in March 1927

Destroyed car in burnt-down house

Summary execution by a military officer

Decapitated body (very graphic)

Execution of several men by a firing squad

Public execution by decapitation [sensitive graphic]

Head of a decapitated man in a cage [sensitive graphic]

Man soaking bread in the blood pool of a decapitated man [sensitive graphic]

Housing quarters of the French police, Pottier police station

Collège Municipal Français

Main fire station and water tower in the French Concession

Mission Street (Rue de la Mission)

The Quai de France after a snow fall

Building of the French consulate

Chinese theater

French Municipal Council

Franco-Chinese School

View of the rue du Consulat

Central police station in the French Concession

French Municipal School

Cercle sportif Francais (French Club)

French Mixed Court

View of Nanking Road

The Company of French Volunteers in the courtyard of the French Municipality of Shanghai

French Legation and the French General Consulate of Shanghai

French Legation and the French General Consulate of Shanghai

The construction of the building of the French General Consulate of Shanghai

The building of the French General Consulate of Shanghai

A group of children before a building of Shanghai

Portrait of the French General Consul of Shanghai Wagner

Portrait of the Brazilian General Consul of Shanghai M. Martins

The tennis game at the residence of the French General Consul of Shanghai

Portrait of the Russian General Consul of Shanghai and his wife

Men-propelled noria in the Shanghai region

French residents of Shanghai

French drama representation in Shanghai

Representation of french drama in Shanghai

Main frontage of the French Consulate General of Shanghai

Back frontage of the French Consulate General of Shanghai

Lodging and accommodation for policemen at the Pottier police station in Shanghai

The Municipal College in the French Concession of Shanghai

The Hostel of French marines and soldiers

Poste office in the Frelupt Road

The telephone post on the Ghisi Road

The post of fire fighting in the French Concession of Shanghai

Semaphore on the French Bund

The Chinese Theater

The building of the French General Consulate of Shanghai

The Ximen Market
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