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Original titleDistribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Children (under 5 years)
Document ID359
TransliterationDistribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Children (under 5 years)
CollectionVirtual Shanghai
Digitized fileYes
Map typeeAtlas
Author(s)Christian Henriot
Cartographer(s)Estelle Senna - Charlotte Aubrun
Map supportDigital
Source Format & ResolutionPNG 300dpi

This document maps out the exposed corpses found out by the police during their rounds during the 1937-1940 period. It is based on the daily reports of the Garde Municipale. Yet this map represents only a tiny share of the total number of exposed corpses and abandoned coffins collected by the two main benevolent associations that devoted their resources to this activity. (In 1938, the SPBC alone collected more than 60,000 bodies).

Keywordswar ; guerre ; death ; mort ; demography ; démographie
Place of publicationLyon

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