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Ressource ID237
TitleShanghai zhizao changshang gailan 上海製造廠商概覽 (A Compendium of Shanghai Manufacturing Firms) Dataset
AuthorsChristian Henriot
Resource ProviderChristian Henriot

The 上海製造廠商概覽 dataset contains the data extracted from the survey of industrial establishments in Shanghai published in 1947 by Lianhe zhengxinsuo 聯合徵信所.

The spreadsheet contains the original data ("Data-Main" tab), the metada ("Metadata" tb) and a series of pre-calculated dataset based on the main data.

The dataset was used as the basis for the papers publsihed by Christian Henriot:

1.     “The impact of war on Shanghai’s industrial structure: A GIS-based analysis of the Shanghai industrial surveys (1935-1940)” (with Isabelle Durand), Annals of GIS, Vol. 18, no. 1, 2012, 45-55

2.     “Regeneration and Mobility: The Spatial Dynamics of Industries in Wartime Shanghai”, Journal of historical geography, vol. 38, no. 2, 2012, pp. 167-180

The dataset is also available on Zenodo (see link below) for long-term preservation. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7767067

Keywordsindustry, factory, capital, product, equipment, plant, capital, manager, worker, workforce
LanguageChinese, English
file attachment

Manufacturing_1947_Paper.xlsx (7.07 Mo)

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