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Ressource ID208
TitleAddresses in Shanghai before 1949 (1989 map)
AuthorsChristian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)
Resource ProviderChristian Henriot

This shape file contains a set of 22,451 address points in Shanghai in the Republican era located on a 1989 map. The shape file that we developed over time from the four volumes of the two editions of the Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (see below) was limited by the spatial scope of the maps therein. It covered only the foreign settlements (1939) and both the foreign settlements, Nanshi, and Zhabei in 1947. Yet, there were many buildings, institutions or private residences in our sources that were located in areas not covered by the Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu. For this reason, we reproduced the street grid of 1989 with related street numbers. The source for this digitizing of the street grid and street numbers is Shanghai Shi shangyong ditu ce bianji weiyuanhui. Shanghai shi shangyong ditu ce 上海市商用地圖冊 (Shanghai business atlas). 2 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai fanyi chuban gongsi, 1989.

[Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄 (Shanghai Street Directory), diyi tequ [International Settlement] (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1939) and Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄 (Shanghai Street Directory), di'er tequ [French Concession] (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1940), and 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide) (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1947)]

The attribute table contains the following major fields:


Field name Description
OBJECTID Identifier of the digital object (building)
ID_ROW Identifier of the street digital vector
NUMBER Street number
SUBNUMBER Street subnumber (as in lilong)
NAME Basic street name
ADDRESS Basic address in English or French (original names)
TYPENUM Type of address
CREATED Date of creation of the digital object (point)
FULL_ADDRE Full address
IDSEGMENT Identifier of the street segment
INDEX Reference of the map in the Source represented by the date of publication: Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄 (Shanghai Street Directory), diyi tequ [International Settlement] (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1939) and Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄 (Shanghai Street Directory), di'er tequ [French Concession] (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1940), and 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide) (Shanghai, The Free Trading Co. Ltd., 1947)
REFNAME Source represented by the date of publication
REFNUM Year of publication
ATLAS Name of the institution at this address
ATLASC Unclear
PINYIN_ADD Current address in pinyin
TERRITORY Major administratoive areas in Shanghai
DISTRICT Name of the district
LILONG_NUM Subnumber in lilong (lane)
XC X coordinates 
YC Y coordinates
SADDRESS Address segment (for use with our Locator)
ID_BUILD Identifier of the building located at this address
CITY City (for use with our Locator)
STATE Country (for use with our Locator)



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License




KeywordsGIS, China, shapefile, Shanghai_Basics, maps, mapping, building, address, institution
file attachment

AddressCM.zip (1.29 Mo)

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