Welcome to the Virtual Shanghai platform!
Virtual Shanghai Project
"Virtual Shanghai is a research and resource platform on the history of Shanghai from the mid-nineteenth century to nowadays. It incorporates various sets of documents: essays, original documents, photographs, maps, quantitative data, etc. The objective of the project is to write a history of the city through the combined mobilization of these various types of documents. The implementation of this approach relies on the use of digital and GIS technologies. On the research side, the platform offers various ways to step into the history of the city and follow its course at different levels over time. On the resource side, apart from providing original textual and visual documents, it develops a powerful cartographic tool for spatial analysis and real-time mapping (to be upgraded soon). The authors of the present project suscribe to the idea of sharing scholarship and research tools for the benefit of scholars, students, and citizens at large."
See the latest news on the Virtual Shanghai Blog
iVS (Immersive Virtual Shanghai)
iVS is a virtual immersive and interactive environment that allows interaction with the images and cartographic documents in the database. It does not operate within the Virtual Shanghai platform, but you will find a brief presentation on Youtube.
Virtual Shanghai Bookmarks
The Virtual Shanghai Bookmarks introduce web sites that relate to Shanghai history, especially those that provide visual materials, as well as significant collections of visual materials related to China and Taiwan. It also points to sites that are relevant for the various fields of knowledge from which the Virtual Shanghai Project draws its inspiration.
- Project director: Christian Henriot (安克強), Institut de Recherches Asiatiques, Aix-Marseille University; Institut Universitaire de France
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
"Virtual Shanghai: Shanghai Urban Space in Time" is one of the research projects in social sciences and humanities selected in 2005 by the National Research Agency in France. The ANR attributed a three-year grant to support the project.
"War made Shanghai" was again selected by the National Research Agency in 2012. The three-year project started in March 2013. The project is implemented through the Virtual Shanghai platform.
Last update on Saturday 13 August 2022 (17:27) by C. Henriot
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang
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