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資料編號 題名 作者 年份 
236Performance sites in Shanghai (1907-1966)Christian Henriot (database, Jiang Jin (source), Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)0
146The Chinese and foreign population of Shanghai (1843-1949)Christian Henriot1843
74The foreign population of the French Concession (1849)French Consulate1849
221The French Concession in Shanghai in 1849Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1849
80Age structure of the foreign population in the International Settlement (1870-1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
84Age structure of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
148The "Other" categories of population in Shanghai (1970-1935)Shanghai renkou zhilüe 上海人口志略1870
173Number of houses and residents subject to taxation in the International Settlement (1870-1895)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
161Number of deaths and death rate of foreigners in the International Settlement (1871-1882)Shanghai Municipal Council1871
99The French population in the French Concession (1872-1878)French Municipal Administration1872
95The foreign population in the French Concession (1878)French Municipal Administration1878
97Age structure of the Chinese population in the French Concession (1878-1937)French Municipal Administration1878
7Purchase price of women destined for prostitutionChristian Henriot1879
167Births and deaths and death in the International Settlement (1880-1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1880
168The main causes of death from infectious diseases in the foreign population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1880-1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1880
134Country of origin of the foreign population in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1885
172Number of houses in the International Settlement (1889-1902)Shanghai Municipal Council1889
21Number of deaths from infectious diseases in the International Settlement (1890-1944)Shanghai Municipal Council1890
96The foreign population in the French Concession (1895-1936)French Municipal Administration1895
75The main causes of death from infectious diseases in the Chinese population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
76Land use in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
83Population density in the International Settlement (1900-1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
157Age at time of death in the International Settlement (1900-1940)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
175Number of houses and residents subject to taxation in the International Settlement (1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
150Number of recorded deaths in the eight sanitary districts of the International Settlement (1903)Shanghai Municipal Council1903
226Shanghai transportation networks - French Concession - TramwayTan Xinxin1903
227Shanghai transportation networks - Foreign Settlements - TramwayTan Xinxin1908
199Prefectures in 1909 Qing China (boundaries)Geonames (source) Christian Henriot (shapefile)1909
218Geo-raster of Shanghai in 1910Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1910
198Provinces in Republican China (boundaries)Geonames (source) Christian Henriot (shapefile)1912
155Number of deaths and death rate of the Chinese and foreign population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1913-1926)Shanghai Municipal Council1913
4Number of exposed corpses and abandoned coffins collected by the Shanghai Public Cemetery (Pushan shanzhuang) in Shanghai (1915-1951)Christian Henriot1915
15Size and location of charity cemeteries around Shanghai in 1918Christian Henriot1918
116Types of population in the French Concession (1920-1925-1930)French Municipal Administration1920
222Sanitary districts in the French Concession (1920, 1935, 1940)Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist) - Cyrielle Castelli (GIS specialist)1920
19The causes of death in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1921-1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1921
135Number of deaths and age at time of death of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1923-1940)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
159Mean age at time of death among foreigners in the International Settlement (1923-1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
174Death rate of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1923-1931)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
130Address of the Health Offices (Public Health Department) in the International Settlement (1927)Shanghai Municipal Council1927
20Age at death of members of the Cloth Guild (衣業公所) in ShanghaiChristian Henriot1928
224Police districts in the International Settlement (1928-1934 and 1935-1945)Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1928
9Guilds and organizations involved in the management of death in 1929上海通志1929
45Area of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai MunicipalityWang Jichang & Luo Zhiru1929
64Place of origin of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
79Age structure of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1930 & 1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
81Country of origin of the foreign population in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
82Country of origin of the foreign population by police districts and sub-districts in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
107Structure of occupation of the foreign population in the Shanghai Municipality (1930)Zou Yiren1930
126Annual number inbound and outbound migrants in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
136Age structure of the population in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
137Structure of occupation of the population in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
138The Chinese and foreign population in Shanghai (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
139Place of origin of the Chinese population in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
147The foreign population in Shanghai (1930-1937)Shanghai renkou zhilüe 上海人口志略1930
170Number of new admittances per day in a second-class lodging house in the Western District of the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
176Number of hospitals and hospital beds in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
179The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Total Chinese Casualties1932
180The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese Killed in Action1932
181The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese Soldiers of the 88th Division Killed in Action1932
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