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題名Age structure of the foreign population in the International Settlement (1870-1935)
作者Shanghai Municipal Council
資料提供者Christian Henriot

This table provides a breakdown of the foreign population by sex, age groups, and adults/children in the districts of the International Settlement of Shanghai between 1870 and 1935. The age groups are those given the original source. Due to the change of administrative boundaries and structure (post-1899 extension), the data is presented under two different tabs (Data 1: 1870-1895; Data 1: 1900-1935) to cover the whole period.

Data 1: 1870-1895

Data 2: 1900-1935

Data 3: data by police districts in 1935

Data 4: data by administrative districts in 1935


關鍵詞demography ; population ; Compiled ; age ; sex ; foreign ; foreigner ; International settlement ; district
file attachment

IS_4districts_ForeignPopulationAgeSex_1870-1935.xlsx (18.74 ko)

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