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資料編號 題名 作者 年份 
148The "Other" categories of population in Shanghai (1970-1935)Shanghai renkou zhilüe 上海人口志略1870
180The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese Killed in Action1932
181The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese Soldiers of the 88th Division Killed in Action1932
191The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Distribution and Manpower of the 19th Route Army1932
190The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Inventory of the Chinese Air Force1932
186The 1932 Shanghai Battle: List and Manpower of the Chinese Military Units1932
185The 1932 Shanghai Battle: List and Manpower of the Japanese Military Units1932
187The 1932 Shanghai Battle: List of Abbreviations (code) of the Japanese Military Units1932
188The 1932 Shanghai Battle: List of the Commanding officers of the Chinese Military Units1932
189The 1932 Shanghai Battle: List of the Japanese Military Units mentioned in the Source Book1932
192The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Structure of the Chinese Units around Shanghai (20 February 1932)1932
179The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Total Chinese Casualties1932
184The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Total Number of Casualties in the Japanese Army1932
183The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Total volume of ammunition used by the Japanese and Chinese armies1932
182The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Total volume of ammunition used by the Japanese Army1932
145The 1940 cholera epidemic in Shanghai (1940)Shanghai Municipal Council1940
153The 1942 population count in the International Settlement (1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1942
18The causes of death in the French Concession of Shanghai (1937)French Municipal Administration1937
19The causes of death in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1921-1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1921
138The Chinese and foreign population in Shanghai (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
146The Chinese and foreign population of Shanghai (1843-1949)Christian Henriot1843
124The Chinese population by sex and age group in four districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
101The Chinese population in the French Concession (1936)French Municipal Administration1936
67The foreign population by sex, age group and households the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
147The foreign population in Shanghai (1930-1937)Shanghai renkou zhilüe 上海人口志略1930
95The foreign population in the French Concession (1878)French Municipal Administration1878
96The foreign population in the French Concession (1895-1936)French Municipal Administration1895
74The foreign population of the French Concession (1849)French Consulate1849
221The French Concession in Shanghai in 1849Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1849
99The French population in the French Concession (1872-1878)French Municipal Administration1872
38The Japanese population in Shanghai (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
49The level of education in the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
70The level of literacy in the Chinese population in the the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
75The main causes of death from infectious diseases in the Chinese population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
168The main causes of death from infectious diseases in the foreign population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1880-1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1880
169The main causes of death from infectious diseases in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1936-1943)Shanghai Municipal Council1936
125The movement of population in Shanghai hotels (1947)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1947
73The refugee population and interned Chinese soldiers in the French Concession (1939)French Municipal Administration1939
30The SMC survey of destroyed factories in the International SettlementShanghai Municipal Council1937
77The structure of the Chinese population in the French Concession (1942)French Municipal Administration1942
102The structure of the Chinese population in the French Concession (1942)French Municipal Administration1942
32The U.S. consulate's business barometer in Shanghai (1937-1940)U.S. Consulate - Commercial attaché1937
156Total number of deaths from tuberculosis in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1936-1941)Shanghai Municipal Council1936
116Types of population in the French Concession (1920-1925-1930)French Municipal Administration1920
205Typology of buildingsChristian Henriot2007
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