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資料編號 題名 作者 年份 
9Guilds and organizations involved in the management of death in 1929上海通志1929
107Structure of occupation of the foreign population in the Shanghai Municipality (1930)Zou Yiren1930
34Number and percentage of factories in operation in 1943 and 1944Wang, Yizong1943
45Area of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai MunicipalityWang Jichang & Luo Zhiru1929
212Shanghai 2005-2007 Full Geospatial datasetUndetermined2007
32The U.S. consulate's business barometer in Shanghai (1937-1940)U.S. Consulate - Commercial attaché1937
29Volume of Shanghai Imports of Rice and Cotton (1936-1941)Tōa Kenkyūjo 東亞研究1936
226Shanghai transportation networks - French Concession - TramwayTan Xinxin1903
227Shanghai transportation networks - Foreign Settlements - TramwayTan Xinxin1908
228Shanghai transportation networks - Foreign Settlements - TramwayTan Xinxin1936
229Shanghai transportation networks - Foreign Settlements - TrolleyTan Xinxin1936
230Shanghai transportation networks - Shanghai Municipality - AutobusTan Xinxin1947
234Shanghai transportation networks - Shanghai Municipality - All networksTan Xinxin1947
231Shanghai transportation networks - All networksTan Xinxin1936
232Shanghai transportation networks - Shanghai Municipality - TramwayTan Xinxin1947
233Shanghai transportation networks - Shanghai Municipality - TrolleyTan Xinxin1947
33Index of industrial production in Shanghai (1936 = 100)Shenbao nianjian 申報年鑑 1937
40Detailed distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by occupation (1940)Shanhai Nihonjin Kakuro Rengōkai 上海日本人各路聯合會1940
36Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by age, education, and occupation (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
37Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by area or residence (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
38The Japanese population in Shanghai (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
39Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by occupation (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
94Country of origin of the foreign population in the French Concession (1942)Shanghai Times1942
10Burials and cremations in Shanghai in 1949Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1949
17Number of deaths and mortality rate in the Shanghai Municipality (1946-1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
22Data on infectious diseases in the Shanghai Municipality (1946-49)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
46Population of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality by sex and age group (1941-1943)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1941
47Foreign population of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
48Foreign population of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
49The level of education in the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
50Marital status in the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
51Migration, marital status, natality and mortality in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1948
52Sector of activity of the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
53Structure, density, and number of households of the population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945-1950)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
54Structure of occupation of the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
55Natality and mortality in two urban districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
61Structure of occupation of foreigners in the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
62Structure of occupation of foreigners in the International Settlement (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
65Number and types of shops in six districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
66Number and types of industries in two districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
67The foreign population by sex, age group and households the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
68Religious belief in five districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
69Residential mobility in two urban districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
70The level of literacy in the Chinese population in the the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
71Number and types of households of the population in the Huangpu district of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
104Size of the population in Jiading District (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
105Size, employment, and literacy of the population in the Fengxian District (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
106Population of the villages and towns in the districts of Jinshan County (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
109Country of origin of the foreign population in the Shanghai Municipality (1945-1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
111Population of the villages and towns in the districts of Jinshan County (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
112Population and households in the three rural districts of Chongming, Chuansha, and Fengxian in the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
115Structure of occupation of the Chinese population in the Laozha, Songshan (Taishan), Xieqiao, Xincheng, and Putuo (partial) districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
119Demographic statistics on the population of the Tilanqiao District (1947) 提籃橋Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1947
120Place of origin of the Chinese population in five districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945-1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
121Structure of occupation of Chinese and foreigners in the Taishan (Songshan) District of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
122Age structure and marital status of the Chinese population in five districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945-1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
123Statistics of pedestrians passing through the Pétain-Haig intersection over three days (1942)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1942
124The Chinese population by sex and age group in four districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
125The movement of population in Shanghai hotels (1947)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1947
127Number of households by type of occupation in the Hongkou district of the Shanghai Municipality (1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1948
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