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題名 出版年月 作者 摘要 
Jiu Shanghai de bang hui 舊上海的幫會1986Shanghai wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 上海文史資料委員會
Jin dai Shanghai di qu jing ji shi liao xuan ji 近代上海地区经济史料选辑(1840-1949)1984Huang, Wei 黄苇; Xia, Lingen 夏林根
Jin dai shanghai jian zhu shi gao 上海近代建筑史稿1988Chen, Chongzhou 陈重周 Zhang, Ming 章明
Jiu Shanghai ren kou bian qian de yan jiu 旧上海人口变迁的研究1980Zou Yiren 邹依仁
Jin dai mi mi she hui shi liao 近代秘密社會史料1969Xiao,Yishan 蕭一山
Jin wu nian lai Shanghai zhi lao zi jiu fen 近五年业上海之劳资纠纷 Industrial disputes in Shanghai since 19281934Shanghai shi zheng fu she hui ju 上海市政府社會局
Jin wu nian lai Shanghai zhi lao zi jiu fen 近五年來上海之勞資糾紛 Industrial disputes in Shanghai since 1928 1934Shanghai shi zheng fu she hui ju 上海市政府社會局 Bureau of Social Affairs, the City Government of Greater Shanghai.
Jūnigatsu yōka no shanhai 十二月八日の上海1943Hikaru Nishikawa 西川光
Jihenka no Shanhai gaikan 事変下の上海槪観 1940Tōyō Kyōkai Chōsabu 東洋協会調查部編
Jihen no Shanhai shōkōgyō ni oyoboseru eikyō to honpōhin no shōrai 事變の上海商工業に及ぼせる影響と本邦品の將來. 1932Ōsaka-shi Sangyōbu Bōekika 大阪市產業部貿易課
Jin dai Zhongguo she hui de xin chen dai xie 近代中国社会的新陈代谢1992Chen, Xulu 陈旭麓
Jun shi jin dai hua yu Zhongguo ge ming 军事近代化与中国革命1994Feng, Zhaoji 冯兆基
Jin dai Shanghai tan suo lu 近代上海探索录1994Tang, Zhenchang 唐振常
Jiu fu yu min - Shanghai qian zhuang piao tu shi 九府裕民—上海钱庄票图史2002Fu Weiqun 傅为群
Ju long de tui bian 巨龙的蜕变Jiang Zhushan 蒋竹山;Chen Junqiang 陈俊强;Li Junshan 李君山;Yang Weizhen 杨维真
Jin Dai Shang Hai Hei She Hui 近代上海黑社会2004Su, Zhiliang 苏智良 Chen, Lifei 陈丽菲

"The Modern Shanghai Underworld" narrates the emergence and growth of the Shanghai underworld in a specific historical context, as well as the social and cultural factors that contributed to its astonishing criminal activities. The book delves into the roots of its formation, the jaw-dropping crimes it committed, and the structural aspects of its organization. It also explores how its members were selected and subjected to re-education, while examining their beliefs, cultural levels, lifestyles, family compositions, communication methods, and the main types and characteristics of their activities. Such questions remain largely unexplored, lacking a profound and accurate historical response.

The significance of this exploration goes beyond filling the gap in research; it is essential to help people gain a deeper, more vivid, and comprehensive understanding of modern Chinese society. Furthermore, it serves as a mirror that can provide valuable insights for governing today's society. Sensible observers cannot overlook that contemporary China, undergoing rapid transformations, might be fostering certain conditions and environments conducive to the germination of some elements of the underworld. If left unchecked, the sprouting of these malignant forces may evolve into a social cancer akin to the modern Shanghai underworld. This is not an alarmist view. If this work can provoke multi-faceted reflections from the historical to the contemporary, then our purpose will have been fulfilled.

The primary sources for this book are derived from newspapers, periodicals, and special collections published before the liberation era, memoirs, writings by underworld figures, criminal archives held by the public security system, and the social surveys conducted by the author.

《近代上海黑社会》讲述了:上海黑社会是在什么历史土壤里萌芽,又凭借何种社会风水而成长?它那令人瞠目结舌的犯罪是如何产生的,其内容的结构又是怎样?它的成员通过什么途径被选中并接受再教育?其信仰、文化水准、生活方式、家庭构成、联络方式,以及主要活动的类型与特点,诸如此类的问题,都还未曾有深刻而准确的历史回答。 需要指出的是,这一探讨的意义,不仅是为了填补这一研究的空白,更重要的是,它可以帮助人们更深刻、更形象、更全面地了解近代中国社会,并为治理当今社会提供一面可资借鉴的镜子。敏感的人们不难观察到,处于急速变化中的当代中国社会,由于某些气候、土壤的因缘际会,黑社会的部分因子已悄悄地种下,并以决不缓慢的速度在破土萌芽。这些恶势力的萌芽如不得到及时的抑制,就有可能演化为如上海近代黑社会这样的都市之癌。这并非危言耸听。如果拙作能引起人们从近代社会到当代社会的多方面思索,那我们的目的也就达到了。 本书所据史料主要来自解放前出版的报纸、刊物、专录,帮会人物撰写的回忆录、著作,公安系统所存的犯罪档案,及笔者所进行的社会调查。

Jiu Shang Hai De Yan Du Chang 旧上海的烟赌娼1988Shang Hai Wen Shi Yan Jiu Guan 上海文史研究馆
Jin Dai Shang Hai De Bai Huo Gong Si Yu Du Shi Wen Hua 近代上海的百货公司与都市文化2012Toshio Kikuthi 菊池敏夫 Trans by Chen Zu'en 陈祖恩

"The Fusion of Department Stores and Urban Culture in Modern Shanghai" integrates the research achievements of the author, Toshio Kikuchi, up to the present day. It focuses on the department stores owned by Chinese national capital that once appeared on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. From the perspective of the diverse urban functions they possessed, this book analyzes the history of these department stores. It elucidates how Shanghai's department stores, with their urban and entertainment functions, led the development of consumer culture and urban culture in 'Modern Shanghai' during the 1920s and 1930s. Furthermore, as multifunctional commercial facilities rich in urban attributes, the book examines their contribution to the development of Shanghai as a city.

The viewpoints presented in this book not only significantly alter people's preexisting impressions of department stores, but also clearly define the crucial role and central position that Shanghai's department stores played in the development of modern Shanghai's commercial and urban culture. Grounded in present-day Shanghai while envisioning its future, the Japanese historian engages in a sincere dialogue with the past. The research outcomes achieved by this exploration of Shanghai's history will undoubtedly receive high praise within Chinese academic circles as well.


Jin Dai Shang Hai Fan Hua Lu 近代上海繁华录1993Tang, Zhenchang 唐振常

The book 'The Prosperous Record of Modern Shanghai' tells us: What does the past of Shanghai evoke in your mind? Some say it's the 'Bund by the River,' a playground for adventurers, a city of endless revelry and extravagant wealth; others describe it as the former financial center of the Far East and the textile hub that once dominated the nation. However, over time, Shanghai has evolved into a complex legend, making it challenging to grasp its true essence. The story begins in the year when the West first opened China's doors - 1842. With the conclusion of the Opium Wars and the signing of the Treaty of Nanking, Shanghai was designated as one of the five treaty ports, attracting individuals from Europe, America, Japan, and other nations eager to make their mark. Shanghai served as the frontline city where modern China confronted Western influences. With its strategic location overlooking the Yangtze River, it transformed from an ordinary county town into the national financial and industrial hub, the largest city in the Far East, and an international metropolis blending Eastern and Western customs. As the story continues to unfold and new chapters are added even today, let us hear from Professor Tang Zhenchang, a renowned historian of modern Chinese history who once worked as a journalist and extensively researched the history of Shanghai. He takes us back to the beginning, providing insights into the most vibrant chapters of modern to contemporary China during the era of Western influence.


Jiu Shang Hai De Zheng Quan Jiao Yi Suo 旧上海的证券交易所1992Shanghai Municipal Archives 上海市档案馆

This compilation of archival historical materials is a collection from the Shanghai Commodity Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, mainly selected from the archival collections of the Shanghai Municipal Archives and other relevant collections. The Shanghai Commodity Exchange was initiated in early 1917 and officially established in 1920, making it the earliest comprehensive exchange established in China. The selected archives in this compilation reflect the establishment and relevant operational activities of the exchange, providing primary source materials for studying the securities and commodity trading activities at that time. The mention of Zhang Jingjiang and Chiang Kai-shek's involvement in brokering securities and commodities trading at the exchange in the early 1920s is an issue of significant interest in historical studies. The China Second Historical Archives generously released archives and other historical materials related to this aspect, greatly enhancing the content of this book, and we express our gratitude for this. The Shanghai Stock Exchange was established by the Nationalist government after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War with the aim of promoting enterprise investment, facilitating economic rehabilitation, establishing a sound securities market, and supporting industrial and commercial enterprises. It commenced operations in September 1946, overseeing securities trading throughout the city and being the 'sole securities trading market' in China at that time, occupying a significant position in the socio-economic life of the period. In addition, we have selected various materials from relevant archives and old newspapers and periodicals as appendices. These are important historical materials for a comprehensive understanding and research of the securities industry in old Shanghai and even old China. We believe they offer valuable insights for the recently recovering securities market today.

本辑档案史料汇编,系上海证券物品交易所与上海证券交易所的合集,主要选自上海市档案馆所藏上海证券物品交易所全宗及其他有关全宗。上海证券物品交易所,发起于1917年初,正式创设于1920年,是我国创办最早的一家综合性交易所。本辑所选档案,反映了该所创建经过以及有关经营活动,是研究当时证券、物品交易活动的第一手材料。内中述及的20年代初张静江、蒋介石等在该所经纪证券物品交易一事,更是史学界颇为关注的问题。中国第二历史档案馆概允公布这方面的档案及其他史料,使 本书增色不少,在此谨表谢意。上海证券交易所,系抗战胜利后国民党当局为“提倡企业投资,促进经济复员,建立健全证券市场,扶助工商企业”而授意上海金融界组设的,开业于1946年9月,统辖全市的证券交易,这也是那时中国“唯一之证券交易市场”,在当时社会经济生活中占有重要一席。此外,我们还从有关档案、旧报刊中选取若干资料,作为附录,这些都是全面了解和研究旧上海乃至旧中国证券事业的重要史料,相信对今天复苏不久的证券市场也不无可供借鉴之处。

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