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題名Jin Dai Shang Hai Fan Hua Lu 近代上海繁华录
作者Tang, Zhenchang 唐振常
出版社Commercial Press 商务印书馆国际有限公司
出版地Hongkong 香港

The book 'The Prosperous Record of Modern Shanghai' tells us: What does the past of Shanghai evoke in your mind? Some say it's the 'Bund by the River,' a playground for adventurers, a city of endless revelry and extravagant wealth; others describe it as the former financial center of the Far East and the textile hub that once dominated the nation. However, over time, Shanghai has evolved into a complex legend, making it challenging to grasp its true essence. The story begins in the year when the West first opened China's doors - 1842. With the conclusion of the Opium Wars and the signing of the Treaty of Nanking, Shanghai was designated as one of the five treaty ports, attracting individuals from Europe, America, Japan, and other nations eager to make their mark. Shanghai served as the frontline city where modern China confronted Western influences. With its strategic location overlooking the Yangtze River, it transformed from an ordinary county town into the national financial and industrial hub, the largest city in the Far East, and an international metropolis blending Eastern and Western customs. As the story continues to unfold and new chapters are added even today, let us hear from Professor Tang Zhenchang, a renowned historian of modern Chinese history who once worked as a journalist and extensively researched the history of Shanghai. He takes us back to the beginning, providing insights into the most vibrant chapters of modern to contemporary China during the era of Western influence.


關鍵字(英文)Shanghai,Urban History, Urban Culture,Social History
題目Shanghai,Urban History, Urban Culture
歷史時期1843- Present
418/439 results        
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