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題名 出版年月 作者 摘要 
Tong ji biao zhong zhi Shanghai 统计表中之上海1932Luo, Zhiru 罗志如
The household accounts of two Chinese families1931Gamble Sidney D.
The Burlingame Mission: A political disclosure1872Von Gumpach, Johannes
The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1854-18632001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1864-18662001Shanghai Municipal CouncilThe minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.
The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1867-18692001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1870-18712001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1872-18732001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1874-18762001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1877-18822001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1883-18862001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1887-18892001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1890-18922001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1893-18952001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1895-18962001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1897-18982001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1899-19012001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1902-19042001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1911-19132001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1905-19072001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1908-19102001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1917-19192001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1914-19162001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1920-19212001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1922-19242001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1925-19272001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1928-19302001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1931-19322001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1933-19352001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1936-19392001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council - 1940-19432001Shanghai Municipal Council

The minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council offer a detailed view of the internal management of municipal affairs in the International Settlement of Shanghai from 1854 to 1943.

Tourist Guide to Shanghai - North China1930California Directory Association
Tai ping jun san da Shanghai 太平军三打上海1959
The Celebration of Her Britannic Majesty's Diamond Jubilee at Shanghai : Tuesday, the 22nd of June 18971897
The Sino-Western miscellany : being historical notes about foreign life in China. Vol. 2, The origins of the roads and roadnames in foreign Shanghai: the French concession.1993Haan, J.H.
Tou shi lao shang hai 透视老上海2004Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之 高纲博文
Twentieth century impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other treaty ports of China: their history, people, commerce, industries, and resources1908Wright, Arnold ; Cartwright, H A
The Jacquinot safe zone Wartime refugees in Shanghai2008Marcia R.Ristaino
The origin and development of the Chinese Customs Service, 1843-1911. An historical outline1939Wright, Stanley F.
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