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原始題名Prefectures in 1909 Qing China
地圖類型Base maps
作者Christian Henriot
製圖師Charlotte Aubrun

This map represents the boundaries of prefectures in Qing China in 1909 (宣統元年). This shape file is based on the volume published in 1909 by the Commercial Press: Da Qing di guo quan tu 大淸帝國全圖. Shanghai: Shang wu yin shu guan 上海商務印書館, 1909.

The maps are also available through ArcGIS Online on our MCGD Historical GIS collection. To see all the map layers, click on the Content button and select the map you want to display. By default the name of the provinces are displayed in Chinese. For further instructions, see out blog post here.

The vector layers come with the following fields that are repeated across all maps, regardless of the period. The field columns include the following:


fid Internal ID field
SYS_ID Internal ID field
O_id Object ID
NAME_PY Name of the prefecture in pinyin
NAME_CH Name of the prefecture in Chinese simplified script
NAME_FT Name of the prefecture in Chinese traditional script
TYPE_PY Type of administrative unit in pinyin
TYPE_CH Type of administrative unit Chinese simplified script
LEV_RANK Level in Qing administrative hierarchy
BEG_YR Marker of attachment to the 1928-1945 layer
BEG_RULE Name of the province (pinyin) in 1928-1945
END_RULE Country in 1928-1945
DYN_PY Marker of attachment to the 1945-1946 layer
DYN_CH Name of the province (pinyin) in 1945-1946
LEV1_PY Country in 1945-1946
LEV1_CH Marker of attachment to the 1946-1949 layer
NOTE_ID Name of the province (pinyin) in 1946-1949
OBJ_TYPE Country in 1946-1949
p_12_21_nz Name of the province (Chinese) in 1912-1921
p_22_28_nz Name of the province (Chinese) in 1922-1928
p_28_45_nz Name of the province (Chinese) in 1928-1945
p_45_46_nz Name of the province (Chinese) in 1945-1946
p_47_49_nz Name of the province (Chinese) in 1946-1949
st_area_sh Area of the polygon in square meters
st_length_ Length of the polygon in meters
Cartograph Name of the cartographer
Copyright Name of the copyright holder (ENP-China - ERC grant 788476)
License Creative Commons License CC0 1.0 Universal 


關鍵字China, prefecture, GIS, shapefile, China_Basics
語言Chinese, English

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Prefectures_1909_V2.zip (10.15 Mo)

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