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索引號Xin, Ping, “Xiandaihua jincheng zhong de shehui bianyuanhua xianxiang: toushi 20 shiji 20-30 niandai shanghai banghui” “[Social marginalization phenomena in the modernization process: the Shanghai secret society in the 1920's-30's] (2002)
類型Journal article
作者Xin, Ping
題名“Xiandaihua jincheng zhong de shehui bianyuanhua xianxiang: toushi 20 shiji 20-30 niandai shanghai banghui” “[Social marginalization phenomena in the modernization process: the Shanghai secret society in the 1920's-30's]
期刊Shixue yuekan (Journal of Historical Science)
摘要In the 1920's-30's, Shanghai's secret societies were a strange offspring of traditional society. They resuscitated and developed fully in socially transforming Shanghai. The development of the Shanghai secret society was intimately connected with these factors, as old and new things coexisted in Shanghai society, population control and social adaptation failed, and the secret society and regime needed one another. Changing with the times was the most remarkable characteristic of Shanghai secret societies in the new period, giving them a special space. However, the accretion of certain capitalist characteristics did not change the societies' subversive essence in resisting elite society and modern irrationality.
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