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索引號Kawahara, Katsuhiko 川原勝彦, “Chūgoku kyōsanto seiken shita ni okeru dokyō dantai no kaihon ni tsuite: shanhai shi toankan miikokan shiryō ni yoru bunseki” 中国共産党政権下における同郷団体の解本
類型Journal article
作者Kawahara, Katsuhiko 川原勝彦
題名“Chūgoku kyōsanto seiken shita ni okeru dokyō dantai no kaihon ni tsuite: shanhai shi toankan miikokan shiryō ni yoru bunseki” 中国共産党政権下における同郷団体の解本について: 上海市档案館の未公刊史料による分析 [The Chinese Communist government's dissolution of associations for people from the same local area: an analysis of unpublished material from the Shanghai Municipal Archives]
期刊Shakai-Keizai Shigaku  社会経済史学  (Socio-Economic History)
關鍵字social; guilds;
摘要Clarifies the process of transformation and dissolution of associations for people from the same local area that took place in Shanghai from 1949 to 1956, using unpublished records from the Shanghai Municipal Archive. In the period immediately following the Communist victory in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party adopted a moderate policy toward the associations. But after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, the associations were subjected to such harsh treatment that they were unable to survive. Policies such as the "triple elimination movement" (eliminating corruption, waste, and bureaucracy from society) involved harsh measures against the associations, such as tax systems that in many cases caused bankruptcy. From the time of the Korean War, the regime changed its policy toward the associations and decided to bring about their dissolution. Ultimately, this enabled the Party to develop roots at the base of Chinese society. In short, the regime had started to perceive the associations as obstacles to the spread of its power into the deepest reaches of Chinese society.
592/883 results        
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