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索引號Chen, Weilin 陈蔚琳, "Wan qing shanghai zujie gonggong weisheng guanli tanxi" 晚清上海租界公共卫生管理探析 (1854—1910) (The Analysis on Public Health Management in Shanghai International Concession, 1854-1910) (2005)
作者Chen, Weilin 陈蔚琳
題名"Wan qing shanghai zujie gonggong weisheng guanli tanxi" 晚清上海租界公共卫生管理探析 (1854—1910) (The Analysis on Public Health Management in Shanghai International Concession, 1854-1910)
大學Huadong shifan daxue 华东师范大学
關鍵字social; health; foreigner; disease
摘要近二十年来,医疗社会史逐渐成为中国史学界研究的热点。这一研究倾向始于20世纪70年代的西方史学界,并于80年代波及台湾。大陆史学研究者受台湾学者的影响,于90年代中期涉足这一研究领域。对 2003年SARS爆发后的深思直接引发了国内学界对疫病和公共卫生研究的热潮。在此情形下,上海史研究中一直处于非主流地位的起步于20世纪后期的上海公共卫生研究也突然间备受关注,但大部分的研究成果仍以疫病探讨为主题,罕有从制度层面来系统探讨上海公共卫生管理体制本身的形成。 本文以《工部局董事会会议记录》(The Minutes of Shanghai Municipal Council)为主材料,着重研究了基于西欧几个世纪发展之上形成的西方公共卫生管理制度在晚清上海公共租界的确立和发展,从制度化管理层面对界内公共卫生管理体系的产生、确立、发展进行了系统的梳理和分析,以期能为时下国内公共卫生管理建设提供某些裨益。 本文由五章构成: 第一章简明扼要地概述了西方公共卫生管理的发展史,以及目前国内外学界关于本专题的研究现状,同时对本文的研究旨趣、研究思路、材料说明及时间选取给予了详细说明,并对文中... 更多涉及的重要概念作了明确界定。 第二章讨论了上海租界公共卫生管理体系的确立,总启正文部分,从公共卫生管理权力的产生和公共卫生管理机构的嬗变这两方面梳理了工部局公共卫生管理体系的形成过程。《土地章程》,作为上海租界的根本大法,赋予了工部局对租界进行公共卫生管理的法律权力,为工部局推行和执行各项公共卫生管理措施提供了有力的法律保障。工部局内公共卫生管理机构从无到有、历经三次历史性的嬗变,即工部局卫生官、卫生委员会和卫生处的设立和衍变,以及从业人员的逐步专业化发展, 确保了界内公共卫生管理得以有效运行。第三、四章正是在这一整体梳理的基础上,选取了上海租界公共卫生管理的两个核心内容,即环境卫生管理和传染病防治, 进行具体剖析。 第三章就上海租界环境卫生的整治问题作了较为细致的展开,从街道污秽处理、排水系统建设、供水网络形成三方面阐述了工部局如何运用《土地章程》赋予的权限来治理界内的环境卫生,为界内居民营造出一个良好的生存空间。 第四章探讨了上海租界人畜传染病的防治,从监管食品、防御天花、阻击霍乱、遏制性病四方面探讨了工部局在面对界内各种始终存在或周期性影响上海的人畜传染病时,谋求由防入手、防治结合的措施,力求最大限度保护界内居民的健康。 第五章总结全文,回顾了公共租界公共卫生管理体系的源起,分析了工部局在 还原 During the late twenty years, the research on medical treatment from historical perspective is becoming a topic of general interest among Chinese historians. Such study trend started in Western historical circle in the 70s of 20th century, then spreading to Taiwan in 1980s. Under the influence of historians in Taiwan, we began to pay close attention to this research area in 1990s. The outbreak and spreading of SARS in 2003 aroused deep thoughts which led to a special attention on public health and infectious diseases. Under the circumstances, more and more historians are interested in the research on public health in Shanghai, which centralizes on infectious diseases and lacks systematic analysis on the formation of the public sanitary management in Shanghai.The dissertation, based on the study of The Minutes of Shanghai Municipal Council, makes a systematic analysis on the establishment and development of Western public sanitary management system in Shanghai International Concession i... 更多n the latter period of Qing Dynasty, in order to offer some lessons that we can draw from when we build our contemporary national public sanitary management system.It consists of five chapters.In the first chapter, a brief summary is made on the development of Western public sanitary management, and on the present study situation related to this topic at home and abroad. In the mean time, a full explanation is given on study intention, study thinking, study materials and so on.The second chapter outlines the main part, discussing the establishment of the public sanitary management in Shanghai International Concession. It is divided into two parts, expounding the emergence of the public sanitary management authority and the development of the public sanitary management organization. On one hand, as the most important legal basis of Shanghai International Concession, Land Regulations empowers legal authority to the Municipal Council to manage the public sanitary matters. On the other hand, the public sanitary management organization has experienced three historical turnings, that is the establishment and development of Medical Officer, Sanitary Committee and Public Health Department, with nonprofessional employees to professional ones, therefore the public sanitary management is secured in good order. Based on this panoramic elaboration, the following two chapters give detailed account on two typical aspects of public sanitary management in Shanghai International Concession.The third chapter focuses on environmental sanitary management in Shanghai International Concession, analyzing how the Municipal Council use its legal authority to take sanitary measures in the process of handling nuisance on streets, building sewage system and water-supply system, in order to offer habitants a sound surrounding to live.The fourth chapter discusses the prevention and cure of infectious disease in Shanghai International Concession, showing when facing all kinds of infectious diseases that exist periodically or all the time in Shanghai International Concession, such as Rinder pest, Samll pox, Cholera, Venereal Disease, and so on, the Municipal Council takes active preventive and cure measures to prevent habitants from diseases.The fifth chapter gives a summary account of the whole dissertation, reviewing the trace of the establishment and development of the public sanitary management system in Shanghai International Concession, analyzing three challenges that the Municipal Council meets in this process and its reasons, describing the great influence public sanitary construction on the Chinese sections of Shanghai
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