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索引號Cao, Guanqun 曹关群, Minguo shiqi shanghai nüxing fanzui wenti 民国时期上海女性犯罪问题(1927-1937) (2006)
作者Cao, Guanqun 曹关群
題名Minguo shiqi shanghai nüxing fanzui wenti 民国时期上海女性犯罪问题(1927-1937)
大學Shanghai shifan daxue 上海师范大学
關鍵字gender; social; women
摘要本文主要探讨1927—1937年间上海地区的女性犯罪问题。 首先,通过对这一时段上海女性概况的分析,我们发现,此时,上海女性职业日趋多元化、女性参加社会生活的领域也日益广泛。女性在广泛参与和溶入社会生活的同时也在影响和改变着当时的上海社会,通过对当时上海女性犯罪问题的分析,我们发现,尽管女性犯罪的绝对数量并不是很高,但就总体发展趋势而言,在某些领域女性犯罪则呈不断上升的态势,并且益严重化、多元化。这表明女性犯罪问题在民国时期(1927-1937)的上海已经成为一种不可忽视的社会问题。 其次,本论文对当时上海社会女性犯罪的主要种类进行了分析。通过对史料的解读,我们发现,当时上海社会的女性犯罪所涉及类型已经十分广泛,从非暴力性质的拐卖、诈骗等犯罪到暴力性质的绑架杀人等犯罪都有女性的参与。从女性犯罪与社会的关系来看,有些犯罪看上去是反社会的,但同时它又是社会功能的产物,即不仅女性犯罪人本身而且受害者都是现存社会制度的产物。 最后,本论文从女性自身以及社会两个角度对这一时期上海女性犯罪产生的原因与特点进行了分析。通过分析,我们可以得出这样的结论:民国时期 (1927-1937年... 更多)上海社会的不稳定协调以及社会问题与矛盾的日益增多是当时女性犯罪的一个重要深层次原因。 This paper mainly discussed women crimes in Shanghai during 1927 1937.To begin with ,we analyzed the general background of women in Shanghai at that time.We found that women's career were diversified and the fields that women participate were also widened.Shanghai society was greatly influenced and changed by women while they were fully participated and immersed into the society.As to women crimes in Shanghai at that time, after detail study ,we found that the rate of women crimes in some fields increased rapidly and diversifiedly though maximum of women crimes were not so high.This situation showed that women crimes in Shanghai during 1927—1937 has really became a unignoreable social problem.In the second place ,this paper also analyzed the kind of women crimes during 1927—1937 .We can see clearly from the historical materials that women crimes were widely arranged in nearly every fields of the society from non-violent crimes such as kidnaps for selling 、cheating to violent crimes ... 更多such as murdering、 kidnaps.From the relationship between women crimes and the society we can say some women crimes were non-society,at the same time we need to know that women crimes were the product of social functions.That is to say not only women criminals but also the victims were the product of social functions.Finally, this paper also discussed the cause and characteristics of women crimes from women themselves and society respectively.From the discussion we can draw a conclusion that the turbulent of the society and the increasing of social problems and contradictions were the major causes of women crimes in Shanghai during 1927-1937.
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