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索引號Bergère, Marie-Claire ; Castelino, Noel ; Henriot, Christian ; Ho, Pui-Yin,, “Essai de prosopographie des élites shanghaiennes à l'époque républicaine,1911-1949" (1985)
類型Journal article
作者Bergère, Marie-Claire ; Castelino, Noel ; Henriot, Christian ; Ho, Pui-Yin,
題名“Essai de prosopographie des élites shanghaiennes à l'époque républicaine,1911-1949"
期刊Annales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations,
關鍵字political; social; elites;
摘要Attempts to use prosopography as a tool for analyzing Chinese society during the Republican period (1911-49). Deals with four different social groups of the Shanghai area: cotton mill owners, municipal leaders, academicians, and journalists. Studies each group based on similar variables (geographical and social origins, education, political experience, etc.), and shows that, in spite of certain differences, a general and common portrait of these elites can be drawn that presents the image of active modernizers deeply rooted in Chinese culture and judiciously using the traditional social network for their purposes.
624/883 results        
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