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索引號Zhang, Jin, “20 shiji 20-30 niandai "shanghai moshi" dui chongqing de chongji” [The impact of the "Shanghai model" on Chongqing during the 1920's-30's] (2000)
類型Journal article
作者Zhang, Jin
題名“20 shiji 20-30 niandai "shanghai moshi" dui chongqing de chongji” [The impact of the "Shanghai model" on Chongqing during the 1920's-30's]
期刊Shixue yuekan (Journal of Historical Science)
關鍵字political; urban
摘要Urban modernization in 1920's Chongqing began under the domination of warlord Liu Xiang during the republican era. The prosperity of steamship business on the Upper Yangtze River, the awakening of Chongqing local elite, and a series of urban reforms by Liu's authority provided the fundamental factors for the introduction of the Shanghai model of urbanization, introducing to Chongqing, a backward interior treaty port, the benefits of Western modernity.
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