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Ressource ID Title Authors Year 
204Major Shanghai Buildings before 1949Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist) - Benoît Maréchal (GIS specialist)1949
50Marital status in the Chinese population in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
159Mean age at time of death among foreigners in the International Settlement (1923-1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
12Membership of the Funeral Business Trade AssociationFuneral Business Trade Association 殯儀積柩運葬商業同業公會1950
51Migration, marital status, natality and mortality in the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1948
110Monthly statistics of the foreign population in the Chinese Municipality (1935-1936)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1935
214Mosaic Map of the 1939 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1939
216Mosaic Map of the 1947 Nanshi area in the Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1947
215Mosaic Map of the 1947 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu 上海市行號路圖錄Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1947
217Mosaic Map of the 1989 Shanghai shi shangyong ditu ce 上海市商用地圖冊Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1989
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