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Ressource ID Title Authors Year 
22Data on infectious diseases in the Shanghai Municipality (1946-49)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
174Death rate of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1923-1931)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
119Demographic statistics on the population of the Tilanqiao District (1947) 提籃橋Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1947
152Density of occupation of houses in the International Settlement (1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1935
40Detailed distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by occupation (1940)Shanhai Nihonjin Kakuro Rengōkai 上海日本人各路聯合會1940
36Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by age, education, and occupation (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
37Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by area or residence (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
39Distribution of the Japanese population in Shanghai by occupation (1944)Shanhai nihon soryojikan 上海日本总领事馆1944
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