5816 documents
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图像编号 题名 时间 估计时间 

733The boys' relay race (Collège municipal français)1938

734The boys' relay race (Collège municipal français)1938

735The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

736The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

737The girls' hurdle race1938

738The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

739The boys' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

740The boys' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

741The boys' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

742The boys' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

743The boys' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

744The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

745The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

746The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

747The girls' hurdle race (Collège municipal français)1938

748Soccer team of the battalion's sports team19301930-1940

749Basket team of the battalion's sports team19301930-1940

750Athletic team of the battalion's sports team19301930-1940

751Volley-ball team of the battalion's sports team19301930-1940

752Soccer team of the First company's sports team19301930-1940

753Basket-ball team of the First company's sports team19301930-1940

754Athletics team of the First company's sports team19301930-1940

755Volley-ball team of the First company's sports team19301930-1940

756Group photo of the Second Company’s athletic sports team19301930-1940

757Basket -ball team of the second Company's sports team19301930-1940

758Volley-ball team of the Second Company's sports team19301930-1940

759Soccer team of the Second Company's sports team19301930-1940

760Group photo of the Third Company's athletic sports team19301930-1940

761Basket-ball team of the Third Company's sports team19301930-1940

762Soccer team of the Third Company's sports team19301930 - 1940

763Volley-ball team of the Third Company's sports team19301930-1940

764Group photo of the Machine gun company's athleic sports team19301930-1940

765Basket-ball team of the Machine gun company's sports team19301930-1940

766Soccer team of the Machine gun company's sports team19301930-1940

767Volley-ball of the Machine gun company's sports team19301930-1940

768Soccer match19301930-1940

769Soccer match19301930-1940

770Soccer match19301930-1940

771Basket-ball match19301930-1940

772Basket-ball match19301930-1940

773Basket-ball match19301930-1940

774Basket-ball match19301930-1940

775Basket-ball match19301930-1940

776Basket-ball match19301930-1940

777Playing basket-ball19301930-1940

778Playing basket-ball19301930-1940

779Playing basket-ball19301930-1940

780Playing basket-ball19301930-1940

781Group photo of tennis players19301930-1940

782Playing tennis19301930-1940

783Playing tennis19301930-1940

784Playing tennis19301930-1940

785Navy Officers19201920-1929 - 1930-1939

786Team photo19201920-1929

787Rope race1938

788Horse race19201920-1929

789At the racecourse19201920-1929

790At the racecourse19201920-1929

791The racecourse stand19301930-1939

792At the playing field (Shanghai American School)19301930-1939
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