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索引号Stapleton, Kristin, “Foreigners and China's Modern Cities” (1998)
类型Journal article
作者Stapleton, Kristin
题名“Foreigners and China's Modern Cities”
期刊Journal of Urban History
关键字foreigners; political
摘要Reviews Tsuen Wan: Growth of a "New Town" and its People (1994), by James Hayes; the Making of a Chinese City: History and Historiography in Harbin (1995), by Soren Clausen and Stig Thogersen; and Shanghai, 1927-1937: Municipal Power, Locality, and Modernization (1993), by Christian Henriot. Although all three books trace the development of major Chinese industrial cities, they do so in different ways. Hayes provides a partial memoir and focuses on the 1970's and 1980's. Clausen and Thogersen examine Chinese historiography in describing the growth of Harbin. Henriot explores the municipal bureaucracy in Shanghai in the early Nationalist era. All three books have merit, but more studies are needed on the causes of urban growth and the role of the Chinese themselves in shaping urban development.
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